Chapter 29

This was a type of training that he had heard many of the higher ups of the army used in order to learn to control their strength. If he could figure out how to input the correct amount of energy into the piece he was holding, it would protect it from turning into dust as well and from there, all he would need to do is slowly take away the energy so that he could learn how to be proficient with circulating his energy.

What was comical, was that the three demon beasts were all in a deep slumber as if they had no care in the world. It was true that they were technically not in any kind of danger within the pavilion, mainly because they were the second strongest force within the area besides their opponent. So any sneak attacks by other demon beasts would be out of the realm of possibility.

And so, for many hours both Wei Yan and He Chao trained themselves very hard and results were shown. It only took Wei Yan six hours to reach the stage he wanted to reach throughout the night, while He Chao had only spent four hours before falling asleep. No matter how one were to look at the upcoming battle, it seemed like the group of five would have no issues taking down a demon beast at the lion's level.

In order to perfectly master using his strength, Wei Yan would have to train for at least six months to a year, but that would be what would be said to be level five of ki tempering according to the army. But, after last night he at least made it to level two which meant that as long as he knew how to hold back slightly, it would not be too hard for him to hold down the lion type demon beast for a short period of time.

This was not considered impressive, since he had already begun the process for a full month. However, to Wei Yan, it made him more comfortable when coming to terms with his role in the battle. The next morning the group of five began to head out after Wei Yan had finished preparing. He Chao to his surprise, had a higher quality weapon for him that had inscriptions of a low leveled formations expert.

Normally he would choose to use his own weapon that was given to him by the army just like he used the armor given to him in the same way. However, if one were to estimate the cost alone for the weapon that was almost a perfect fit for him, it would completely outmatch what he had; that was a normal high quality sword given to everyone in the army that was at least his rank.

Wei Yan had a rather average affinity of the wind element and luckily, the sword He Chao had handed over to him for the battle had an inscription pattern with hints of the Dao of Storms which would at the very least raise his own defensive and offensive capabilities by a stage. Wei Yan felt that it would be rather strange for someone so young to have reached level two as a formations expert without any assistance and luck so he just acted like He Chao might have looted it off of a corpse.

Little did he know, He Chao not only made his weapon, but he was also using a sword that had a hint of the Dao of Storms inscription patterns as well. He Chao was not yet able to touch upon the Grand Dao of Wind, but during his training, he was able to figure out how to utilize the Minor Dao of Storms. Nowhere near as powerful as a Grand Dao, the Dao of Storms still had its perks, including the ability to help He Chao learn some secrets into another closely related Minor Dao; Minor Dao of Velocity which he utilized during combat alongside his Great Roc Dive technique.

After training the technique for a long period of time, He Chao realized that a large part of mastering the technique, was grasping the Minor Dao of Velocity which, although a Minor Dao, was actually top tier comparative wise. Plus, he did not need to do anything special in order to touch upon it, because by mastering the technique, he could master it as well!

As the group finally began heading out, the atmosphere was very relaxed compared to what it should have been. This was mainly due to the last minute training that Wei Yan put himself through and Senior Cao appearing before He Chao to give him one last pep talk. Thanks to the two feeling more reserved, the confidence of the entire group grew by quite a bit.

He Chao made it clear to Wei Yan that the journey over to the cave where the lion type demon beast would be waiting was not very close by, and that the reason they would be moving slowly would be to conserve as much energy that they could. "If you see any other demon beasts around, ignore them completely because we can not afford to waste our strength dealing with the small fry."

Wei Yan could only laugh bitterly in his mind that He Chao would refer to demon beasts as small fry since it took an entire squadron of the army just to protect nearby fortresses from the same low leveled demon beasts which was still not enough to fully protect said areas in this part of the Commandery.

After traveling at a much lower speed than even Wei Yan was comfortable with for three hours, the group finally halted their movements as He Chao ordered the three demon beasts to split up and create a formation. "When you are ready, all you need to do is walk forward in that direction for about a minute and you will end up in front of the cave." He Chao told Wei Yan before continuing.

"Once you arrive in front of the cave, you will need to begin circulating your energy in order to disturb the lion type demon beast's slumber. This will agitate it and in response it will immediately head out to attack you. When the three demon beasts see that you have baited it far enough out of the cave's area, they will form the formation and assist you."

"While all of this is happening, I will be pouring a lot of my energy into a rod type item I have in order to trick the demon beast into thinking that I being your reinforcements is too far from the battlefield for it to even worry about. However, once you four are able to tire it out enough, I will appear using my stealth technique and hopefully my first full power attack will end it."