1: beginning

"you brat get back here with that!"

screamed the matron of the orphanage at the back of Alex as she made her getaway from the kitchen with a loaf of bread.

"Baka!" Alex screamed as she jumped out the window in the hallway of the orphanage and towards an alley. As if i'd ever stop after making my getaway with treasure' thought Alex while running through the alleyways towards the streets.walking around the garbage littering the alley she pulled out a compact mirror to make sure she won't look weird before entering the street. looking in the mirror she sees a boy about 11 with medium length messy grey hair that covered a pair of Heterochromia eyes that were amber and violet, button nose and full lips. she was wearing a black tanktop with cream outer shirt, as well as a pair of black cargo shorts and combat boots. alex seeing as she looks pretty good decides to get to work, she makes her way into the crowd making sure to blend in while walking in the direction of the execution platform. along the way alex pickpockets wealthy looking people while occasionally stopping at food vendors to get snacks, as she was a glutton that was always hungry. She finally reached the stand and stood staring at it for who know how long before a marine with two cigars in his mouth approached her " what are you doing just standing there?"

" just trying to imagine what the greatest man felt like before he was killed" was her casual reply to the marine, before turning away and heading towards the forest outside the city. After arriving at the forest she spent her time trying her body, anything form push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and running to carrying logs around and fighting the animals in the forest. Alex had plans and dreams for the future, she didn't want to be stuck on this island and always being remembered as the orphan thief, she wanted to travel the world and try all the typeset food it had to offer.