7: caught again?! really?!

looking inside the vault alex sees a single pile of gold with a couple jewels.

' what the hell is this?!"

alex though while face planting. after the whole grandeur of the building they were broke....

'of course they're broke why would they actually have money in a building that looks made of kings, they probably spent it all on looks, the assholes!'

filling a bag with all the beli that was in the vaults alex walks back upstairs before noticing that there was a commotion going on upstairs. peeking around the doorframe alex sees nami fighting three guards as the other two were knocked out by the door, seeing this as her chance alex jumps back onto the rafters and making her way back to the managers office.

Once inside she closes and locks the door behind her before grabbing the stacks of paper she read through earlier and making her way out the window onto the roof of the bank, before looking for w path back to the ship as she didn't see any other ship that would let her leave the island anywhere.

Seeing a building nearby alex starts to run towards it before jumping from one roof to another and deciding that this method was the easiest and fastest she continued to run along the rooftops until she made it to the ship.

Upon reaching the ship she went toward the cargo to stash her cash, then made her way to the cabins to see if she could find other clothes to wear as hers started to smell, along the way she didn't notice that there was a woman who appeared in the ship and was watching her go about her business.

Finding a pair of clothes that looked like they would fit and another bundle of cloth that could be used for a bind, she takes off her clothes before she started to undo her chest bind as it was also starting to smell. While she had half the wrap off she hears the door open slowly so she quickly turns around while throwing the knives she had on her, at the person who entered.

She is shocked to see arms grow out of the door and grab the knifes before they hit the woman.

'she crossed her arms before the others appeared out of the door.'

alex thought.

" ufufufu! That not very nice is it?"

asked the woman while hands sprouted out of alex's waist and held her arm down.

'gotta get her to let me go, these arms are weird, they seem to be growing out of me, but i see no way of getting the off.'

alex though while inspecting the black haired woman in front of her, who still had her arms crossed.

'it seems she needs to have her arms crossed for her ability to work from what i'm seeing, as she has yet to uncross or move them at all. maybe if i disturb her arms, these other arms will disappear

" Oy! if you wanted to see me you could've just asked, there was no need to sneak into the room like that."

alex replied with a smile while sashaying towards the woman.

"Oh and what fun would that be wonder? I'm actually more curious about what you were doing sneaking onto this ship like that?"

replied the woman, while walking backwards away from the approaching alex.

'shit she won't give me a chance to get close, i'll have to try something else and if that doesn't work just attack i guess.'

walking a little more alex suddenly trips on the shirt she discarded earlier and falls towards the woman

'hope she catches me.'

alex thought while falling. the woman in her surprise quickly grabs alex, saving her from face planting, but at the same time release it alex from her hold.

'this is my chance!'

alex using this opportunity quickly headbutts the woman in the nose before bringing another knife towards the woman's throat. But is stopped centimetres in front of it when arms sprout out of her back and knock her out.

"that was close!"

says the woman while looking at the fallen form of alex in front of her with fear on her face.

'she actually almost got me that time, i need to be more careful around people.'

robin deciding to tie alex up, quickly takes notice of her undress and helps her out on the clothes she had out earlier which consisted of a white tee shirt, maroon cargo shorts and her combat boots, leather jacket and cap, before tiring her to the mast again and going into the cabin.

While this was happening on the ship the strawhat crew had a run in with baroque works, ending in a huge fight between Zoro and Luffy before nami stops both with a hit to the head. The crew decided that they would help miss Wednesday now known as princess vivi, saving her country against warlord crocodile. After seeing igaram explode while acting as decoy the crew decided to set sail instantly, not noticing that alex was back to being tied to the mast or that there was another person on board with the them.

"it's good we managed to escape the people chasing us!"

"that's for sure!"

nami replied

"we need to be careful no to crash the ship into the rocks."

"just leave it to me!"

replied nami before turning to luffy who was next to her

"wait. was that you, Luffy?"


he replied looking at her.

"this is a nice ship."

the black haired woman replied as everyone on the ship turned to look at her in shock.

"i ran into mr 8 a little while ago, miss Wednesday."

" you killed igaram!"

"who cares about that?!" What're you doing on this ship?! Who are you?!" luffy replied while pointing at the woman.

"what are you doing here.....Miss All Sunday?!"

yelled vivi

"Miss All Sunday? who's she partnered to?"

nami asked vivi.

"she's the partner of mr. 0.....the boss! She was the only one who knew about the bosses identity, we found out by following her."

"more accurately...I allowed you to follow me."

miss Sunday replied looking bored

"oh so she's a good guy."

exclaimed luffy

" i know that! You're also the one who told him we discovered his identity, right?!"

yelled vivi


"So she really is bad!"

said luffy looking upset

miss Sunday went on to mock princess vivi and igaram for trying so hard and being so serious about saving a dying country before usopp and sanji pulled guns and sling out and pointing it at her head.

"Now, now. Don't be so hasty. I haven't been given any orders. i have no reason to fight."

miss Sunday replied after smacking the weapons out of everyone's hand and preceding to steal luffy's hat.This upsets luffy greatly as he started yelling at her with bugged out eyes and shark teeth to give it back.

"how unlucky you are....You people who picked up a princess Baroque Works is out to kill...And a princess being protected by a mere handful of pirates...But what's even unluckier is the course your log pose indicates.The name of the next island is Little Garden. We don't even have to do anything; you'll be wiped out long before you can even reach Alabasta."

this causes usopp and luffy to get upset and yell back at her

"will not! Give my hat back!"

"you wish! You big dummy!"

causing zoro to ask if they are a kid. Miss Sunday then went on to give them an eternal pose to an island just before alabaster which would allow them to skip little garden while also giving luffy's hat back. Luffy ends up mad about someone trying to tell him where he's cam and can't go causing him to break the log pose before getting kicked flying by and angry nami with shark teeth.

"your not the one who decides this ships course!"

luffy says to miss sunday while lying in the deck

"I see. that's to bad." miss sunday replies before jumping onto the back of a giant turtle and leaving.

" i can't tell what that woman is thinking one bit!"

vivi said after miss sunday left

" then there is no point in thinking about it."

consoled nami as the crew started to leave the island. Alex choosing this moment to wake up looks around and notices that she is tied to the mast again.

" what the hell is this can't people leave me untied for nice?!"

she screams with frustration,causing the crew to look over.

"hey your back! how did you like the island?"

luffy asks after noticing alex.

"it was good! up until i was captured again!"

alex said before pouting

"sanjiii im hungryy! can you make me some food?"

alex asked as if she wasn't technically their prisoner but part of the crew.

"yaa, make food sanji!"

luffy screamed before going to sit on the head of merry.

"let's go! To Little Garden!"

"yea!" the crew screamed before they officially set sail.