16: alabasta final

running out of town the crew meets up with chopper who has brough a giant crab as a ride, making luffy excited about how awesome the crab is.Sanji still pissed that alex managed to land a girl, dropped her onto the crabs back with no care before the crab starts rushing away. vivi almost gets caught by crocodile while they are escaping but luffy switched places with her quickly, and goes on to fight crocodile while the rest of the crew makes their way to alaburna. alex ends up passing out as they travel to alaburna unaware about the danger luffy is going through as she's to drink to understand and ends up dreaming about happier things.

after the crab reached the river nami had to dance for it so it would try to cross, this caused it to t=run halfway across the river before sinking leaving the crew to swim the rest of the way

"Hey any of you seen alex?"

chopper asked while looking for her from zoro's head as he swam

"Crap she was asleep and can't swim!"

"sanji you idiot! it was your job to take care of her!"

nami yelled causeing sanji to dive deeper into the river to pull her up, but before he can dugongs pulled her out while also beating up a giant fish that was about to attack the crew. Arriving on the other side chopper quickly expelled the water from alex's lungs but she kept sleeping off her drunkenness unaware she almost died. Walking for a bit the crew is greeted by karoo who brough along lots of his friends to help vivi travel faster towards alaburna. waking up alex looked around before realizing she's on a duck in a cloak she doesn't remember putting on before nami explains what going on

'oh so we're already at the battle part of our journey are we?'

alex though as she got ready for a fight. The crew spilts up and tries to enter the city from different directions but were confronted by the numbers agents of baroque works, who were trying to stop vivi from entering the city. zoro fights mr 1 while alex ends up confronting a blue haired bombshell which causes her to start flirting again trying to see if she can end this in a different type of fight but is stabbed at in reply, while the woman says that if she wasn't on job she might have taken up the offer and that when this ends if they were still alive to come find her again.

alex and the woman who was called zala or miss double finger started to fight each other with zala using every part of her body from her clothes to her hair to create spike she stabbed at alex with.Alex while ducking and weaving between the spikes nears zala, slowly. it surely getting closer to her before she uses a round house kick on zala getting stabbed in the foot but also sending zala slamming through buildings and passing out.

"Hmph! thinking just because your able to turn onto spikes you can beat me? Keep dreaming!"

alex saw someone with what looked like a camera out of the corner of her eye so she decided to make the picture look epic. Turning towards the camera she has flame come out of the right side of her body and shadow out the left while she waves to the cameraman. Alex then starts to limp her way towards the castle and meets up with nami who finished her fight against the new mr thirteen, before they both continued walking and limping towards the castle. Arriving at the town square they see the rebels and the army clashing while atop the castle wall crocodile was holding vivi over the edge, before turning his hand into sand and dropping vivi. Luffy who was riding on the back of pell one of the guardians of alabasta arrived just in time to catch vivi. rushing up to luffy alex and nami are greeted by the rest of the crew as they also arrived, where vivi tells the crew about the bomb in the clock tower and luffy leaves to fight crocodile.

The crew split up with zoro and sanji stopping the baroque agents bunting vivi while the rest split up and searched for the bomb near the town square. Alex seeing a clock tower rushes to it to see if the bomb is there,mar ricing at the top alex is greeted by two baroque numbered agents and a giant cannon

"well i guess i found the bomb."

alex said while staring at it ignoring the two people pointing guns at her head.

"how a, i supposed to stop this thing from exploding?"

"hey stop ignoring us!"

"Hmm did you say something?"

"that's it! I've had it!"

*bang bang*

"Oops you missed"

alex said from the shadow she dropped into freaking the two agent out causing them to fall back in shock, alex taking this chance rushes out of the shadow and send both flying through the wall with a kick. Taking the bomb out of the cannon alex sees that it has a timer on it

'well that's not good'

vivi them rushes though the hole in the wall alex made before falling to her knees in defeat seeing the timer.

grabbing the bomb alex starts to carry it down the tower before she meets the strawhats at the base talking about if vivi made it in time, seeing alex they freak out as they also see the bomb with a timer.

"what am i supposed to do with this thing?"

"Get rid of it!!"


alex goes half beast mode then starts to run towards the exit of the city carrying the bomb before someone swooped down at her

"i'll take that."

a giant falcon says before taking off with the bomb in its claws, leaving a shocked crew and vivi screaming after him as he was one of the people who helped raise her, The Guardian Deity Falcon Pell! The bomb exploded knocking everyone fighting to the ground, before they stood back up and continued to fight as if the explosion didn't happen.

Vivi at the top of the tower kept dreaming for them to stop fighting, but no one could here her over sounds of battle, this continued until it started to rain. Due to the rain people started to hesitate causing the sound of battle to die down letting vivi be heard over it.

igaram and chaka use the moment of silence to get the imperial solders and rebels to stand down as they explain what happened, igaram even brought a witness of how the kind and his soldiers are innocent causing the rebels to understand that they have been played around with.

using this moment the straw hats left to go find luffy, finding him being carried by the king on his way back from the imperial tombs. The king explained how luffy fought crocodile, before he and vivi who chased after the strawhats went back tit he square to talk with their people.

All the strawhats except alex who was only mildly injured passed out due to their injuries. The marines arrived while all them were passed out so alex prepared to fight them to keep her crew safe, but before she could one of the ca,,andre of the marines forced them to retreat.

'hoo that was a close one'

alex though while wiping sweat of her forehead, before turning and sitting down to rest. Later while the crew was still sleeping vivi brought some guards to help transport them to the palace for treatment and beds to sleep on.

"your the best vivi! you k is that right?"

alex says when she flops down on a bed vivi pointed out to her, causing vivi to smile before alex fell asleep.The next day chopper was the forst to wake up and he proceeded to check up on the rest of the crews injuries, before the rest of the crew woke up and went about their morning doing stuff until luffy woke up. Igaram's wife, who looks just like him, then cam and got everyone for breakfast in which luffy and alex quickly started wolfing down all the food around them including the food on others plates, which caused usopp to put tabasco sauce on his food before luffy stole it, causing him to spit flames. The breakfast was very chaotic with the crew making. the guards who were there to be disturbed about their table manners and how loud and messy they were being, until the crew started to goof around ,along the guards have fun while being there. alex thanked the chefs for the delicious food after breakfast and the king took everyone to the baths and when alex went to follow vivi, igaram started yelling at her for being a pervert and how a man can't bath with a woman, before alex punched his head into the ground screaming

"I'm a girl!"

before grumbling her way into the bath leaving igaram with a giant bump on his head.Entering the bath alex quickly got undressed before walking towards the water

"Alex your surprisingly big aren't you?"

"Yea that's why i normally wear a wrap as well, they get in the way of everything."

alex said before sinking deeper into the water.

" those idiots.... It'll be 100,000 berries per person, okay?! Happiness punch!"

nami then flipped open her towel causeing the guys her were peaking over the wall to fall backwards with a nose bleed.

'i'm going to hide most of their stuff for that.'

alex though watching the dramatics the crew put on. nami then asked if vivi made up her ,ind about joining or not as the crew was going to be leaving tonight as their ship was in danger with so many marines around and that they no longer have a reason to stay there.

before leaving the crew got a transponder snail call from non clay saying he took their ship before saying that their friends so he had to take it or the marines would've taken it. Leaving the palace the crew made their way toward their ship during the night, amd nami looked upset before she said that for vivi's sake she'll give up on the money she was promised in order to help. The crew said they give vivi 12 hours to decide if she's joining or not, and that they would sail past the east harper. If vivi isn't there it means she's not joining if she is there the crew will stop for her to board.

saying good by to the ducks that gave them a ride to their ship, before loading it with bin clay explaining how the island is surrounded by the navy and he and no choice but to take the ship. Bin clay and luffy decided to work together to escape from the marines around the island. leaving the island the crew is immediately attack by two marine ships, usopp using his actually great sniping skills shoot one cannon ball and sinks both ships but he seems completely shocked that he ,a aged to do so. Bin clay sees black cage Hina's ship, who is marine headquarters captian if charge of that area, decides that they had to leave right away or they would be captured. Luffy tells him to go if he wants but that he needs to keep an appointment to pick up his friend so he can't escape yet, this caused Bon clay to get emotional about the bonds of friendship before disguise]ing his crew as the strawhats and making a breakaway from the marines acting as a decoy for the crew.

Bon clay and his crew are then captured by hina after an epic battle where they disable the marine ships, making it so they can't chase the strawhats.

While getting ready to leave as vivi didn't arrive in time vivi comes rushing up apologizing for not being able to go with them as she loves her country to much, and that she hopes that they can stay friends. :iffy about to yell out that of course their friends but nami stopped him and they sail away in silence but raise the arm with the tattoo they got earlier as proof of friendship.

sailing away the strawhats managed to leave the island and most marines behind before going on their next advemture