18: Devil fruit name and monsters

The name that Alex got from her devil fruit was Neko Neko no mi : model nekomata

this fruit is a mythical zoan that has a couple properties, she is able to change her size which also changes the basic body abilities such as strength, speed and stamina, it works for all forms of her zoan to various degrees. she will always land on her feet be it from jumping falling or getting thrown, she will land feet first. If she has a more dominate shadow mixture she has the ability to make it tangible for a little while as well as having the regular properties of shadow, but when the fire element is higher she has a never ending flame that can burn anything in the world. those were the basic abilities of the fruit, but if she can think of different ways to use it she can gain more.

alex returning to the ship to get something to drink in celebration alex was able to see navy ships approaching the bay they were in.

'that's not good, i should go tell the rest of the crew that the navy is here'

alex though before slipping into the foliage around the ship amd making her way up the mountain to the old guys house, seeing as the crew wasn't there she decided to check on the old guys ship. Arriving at the ship alex sees the old guy and robin preparing to set sail down the mountain on the ship

'that looks like it will be fun!'

alex quickly ran and jumped onto the ship right before the ship started to sail down the mountain. Rushing down alex was able to see the strawhats surrounded by marines which happened to be in the way of the ship, using the ship rushing past the strawhats were able to separate from the marines. usopp yelled at the old man that the marines were after his money, causing him to mock them for hunting treasures as well as pirates and being greedy. Nami, usopp, chopper, and sanji then went to go get the merry causing a navy on the beach to tell his sergeant to contact the captain to bring his fleet in, before he is shot at by the sergeant as he didn't want to share the money they would get from zenny. luffy using the chance where the old man continued to insult the marines sends his ship slamming into the side of the marine ship causing both to crash into rock, alex who was in the crows nest starts laughing at the exhilarating experience from coming to the mountain and getting thrown with a boat. Luffy seeing as the old man only has his abacus and goats to attack tried to sling to the ship by grabbing a rope but the marine cut it causing luffy to fall into the water and zoro to have to swim out so save him. Zenny and his goats go wild on the ship as alex watches to make sure nothing happens to zenny, seeing him out of breath holding his chest she knows his hearts is troubling him. The sergeant approaches zenny and was about to hit him when alex dropped down and landed on his head

"oye you have to have some respect for your elders you know."

alex then helped zenny back to his ship in time for the merry to arrive and chopper takes him for treatment. nami asked the old man about his treasure and he told about how he exchanged his treasure for cash before he shipwrecked and when he first landed in the island with his cash the goats ended up eating it on him, so like he's said before the goats are his treasure, he may have lost the money but he gained some friends. Sergeant after the money then threatened the strawhats with a fleet of nine ships causing luffy to throw him onto one of the ships, with usopp help, saying he's not afraid to fight. the strawhats then set sail towards the marines leaving zenny and his island of goats behind them with well wishes. The marine captian said he would allow the strawhats to chose the battle field and luffy ended up choosing a foggy area with many reefs, this caused the strawhats to be able to sail away without a fight as the marines to be wrecked by the reefs as they don't have nami to navigate.

after the goat island the crew made a stop at one more island where they saw a mysterious rainbow mist and helped the islanders before they set sail again making their way towards the next island. While sailing a giant galleon ship fell out of the sky and landed next to the merry! After a hectic while of protecting the ship from falling debris nami notices that her log pose is pointing to the sky, which made robin explain that it was pointing to the sky island. Nami doesn't believe that it's possible for an island to be in the sky and that the log pose is broken, this causes robin to explain that no matter what conditions they come across or how unbelievable the situation is they must never doubt the log pose, but reuter their common sense, as a log pose is never wrong.

Robin found out that the ship was likely 200 years old as a skull had a medical technique used on it that died out 200 years ago, she also realized that they were an exploration ship from the south blue as the skulls teeth were in good condition, caused by rubbing tar on them which was a tradition in the south blue. she then found the ship in a book that said it set sail 208 years ago and was probably wondering the sky for at least 200 years before falling.

luffy an usopp explored the ship before it started to sink and luffy managed to find a map of the sky island called skypiea, this proved that there was an island in the sky, now a;l the crew had to do was figure out how to get there. deciding they need more information nami sent luffy, zoro, and sanji in barels made into scuba suits with tubes attached to the boat for breathing, she tried to send alex as well but she venomously refused to get in before she shifted into a tiny cat and hid in the tree.

while they were under the water salvaging the ship, another crew sailed up to the merry the these were actual salvagers and almost got into a fight with them as luffy hurt their men, but the captain was an idiot who just warned them that there were other people newby amd to be careful.

the other ship started to pull the sunken ship up but as they were pulling the ship up a giant sea turtle at the ship along with everyone inside it at the moment, causing the salvagers and strawhats to freak out. The turtle them started to move dragging both ships with it, causing nami to say to cut the hoses, but before the did anything the day suddenly seemed like night. Luffy sanji and zoro then jumped onto the deck as apparently they ditched their suits and swam when the captain of the salvage ship got mad they were in his salvage and went on a rampage on the sunken ship. the captain chased them to the strawhats ship but before they could start fighting, three giants that made the giant turtle look like a grain of sand appeared in front of the ships, scaring everyone on board as well as the giant turtle who was next to them.

freaked out all the crew started rowing with in human strength and speed away from the giants, they kept this up until they reached daylight again and the giants disappeared. Leaving the monsters robin gave nami an eternal log pose she got from the salvagers just in case there was nothing on the ship on how to get to sky island, with that the crew set sail to jaya