23: Eneru and his weakness

Gan fall showed them about some of the dials he had, which included the impact dial, he had alex try to smash through a barrel with all her might after placing a reject dial on top of it. Usopp freaked expecting a hole through the ship with the amount of strength alex out into it but the reject dial absorbed all of the force from the strike, he then had her place the side with hole in it against the barrel and press the to]ip on the other side. After alex pressed the tip in a huge explosion happened which caused her to be sent back i tit he side of the merry and obliterated the barrel the dial was against, gan fall explained how the dial absorbed the impact from anything that hits it before it is then released by pressing the button on the other side .

This reminded usopp and sanji about the priest they fought amd how he probably used an impact dial when hitting them, he also explained how there used to be more powerful versions of the dials they use nowadays on a dis t sky island and one of them was a reject dial which is an impact dial but 10x stronger.

The reject dials were a double edge sword as the excess energy from the explosion injured the user of the reject dial as well as their enemies.

alex asked what mantra is but gan fall was only able to give a slight description about it as he wasn't able to use it himself so he didn't understand it all to well, but basically it was a listening ability. He said that

"supposedly just by living people give off voices from their bodies. By listening to them, one can allegedly tell what a person will do next. With further mastery, you can hear voices over a wider area."

he also explains how the priests can use it to hear across the entire upper yard and that eneru can hear across the entire land, and that is why he is able to use divine punishment without being near the punished person.

After listening to his description alex decided that she was going to practice his until she is able to gain mantra as it sounds incredible once you have it, she also decided to have usopp look at the yo-yos and gun she found in the ruin to see what's so special about them.

Usopp after spending a little while figuring out what they are made form and how to use them explained that the gun was more powerful than most he has seen before and can fire up to 15 shots before needing reload, he also said that it looked like the bullets were pointed rather than the normal rounded shots.

looking at the yo-yo usopp explained that the wire was made out of a type of metal he hasn't seen before and that it is razor sharp everywhere except the band you place in your arm or wrist, he also explained that it was heavy due to the metal used in crafting it.

While Alex was practicing eneru arrived on the Merry causing Sanji to attack him, but eneru fried him with electricity. He starts laughing and saying that it's unfortunate that he attacked as he didn't come to harm them. Usopp freaked out as he didn't feel a heartbeat but he was feeling the right side when the head is in the left causing him to calm down a little.

Usopp threatened eneru with his 8,000 subordinates but eneru disappeared in a flash of lightning and appears in front of usopp before shocking him. Alex watching this happened figured out he had to have eaten a lightning devil fruit, she just didn't know what type so she waited to see what he wanted as he said he didn't come to harm them.

Eneru then taunts ham fall about his old subordinates and says that since his time in this island is almost up he just came to say farewell. Eneru explains how the skypieans are ignorant fools as they don't see anything past the vearth, and that the reason blue sea dwellers, Shandians and the reason he forcefully took the island are all connected. And that there is one thing on the island that all three want, which is the great relics of shandora the city of gold that was in the blue seas long ago.

Gam fall asks what gold is which causes eneru to laugh and explain that is why he view skypians as ignorant for not even knowing what gold is or it's value. Eneru then leaves in another flash of lightning, after he leaves two new people show up on the ship.

Nami asked who they were and was introduced as deputy divine commanders and they came as luffy usopp and Sanji killed their older brother satori while fought them earlier during their bubble trial. Gan fall was about to fight them as he got his bird to pas him his lance, but before he could Alex ended up sending her yo-yos into their guts. After the yo-yos hit the guys Alex twisted around and used the momentum to send the yo-yos flying back at the two brothers who just managed to dodge in time, before Alex flexed her arm causing the yo-yos to swing around and hit them in their sides. Seeing as Alex was dominating the two gan fall relaxed his battle stance and watched as Alex went through a variety of poses and moves all the while catching g and releasing the yo-yos that caused them to move erratically and even had them able to bounce of one another to change directions mid attack, this caused her to quicky defeat the two brother and sent them off the ship.

' I like these yo-yos they are easy to use and cause major damage when I hit them, wonder if I'll be able to use them with my powers after training more?'

Turning to nami Alex asked

"Hey do you think eneru is logia paramecia or zoan type? If he's the second two we should be able to beat him, but if he's the first only luffy can as he's rubber, and maybe me if my fire is able to burn him."

" I'm pretty sure he's logia as Sanji's kick went though him as he was electrocuted, so that mean only luffy and you could possibly work against him if you theory about you fire burning him work."

Nami said after she though about it for a bit

" that would explain why he want the gold though as it is an excellent conductor for electricity, he could probably build a giant weapon from it"

This caused nami and gan fall shock as they didn't think that that would be a reason for him to gather gold, they thought he just wanted it for its value.

After usopp and Sanji woke up nami explained how eneru was probably a lighting logia fruit user and that makes him weak to insulating materials such as rubber. They think Alex might be able to hurt him as her fire might be able to burn his lightning but they are not sure as of yet, and don't want to risk Alex getting injured while testing it out.