32: Aokiji and water 7

Waking up alex realized they made it to another island and came down from the mast to join the rest on the shore. Alex watched as foxy tried to pass them in a metal crab that luffy thought was real, so he tried catching it to eat destroying the crab in the process. Sanji gave them some of the food he was cooking before they went back to their ship as the crew searched the island for more food and fresh water.

They arrived in a clearing and met a man standing there with a sleep mask on while snoring, this chopper to rush over to see if he's alright. When he arrived the guy asked if he was a racoon and chopper yelled he wasn't, but his yelling alerted the rest of the crew who rushed over to make sure chopper was okay. Looking at the guy robin falls to the ground in terror! The crew freaks out that she reacted like this and robin introduced the guy as one of the navy admirals Aokiji.

They guy then confuses the crew as he seems like a sleaze bag when he asked if nami had time that night as he saw she has big breasts, then lies down to continue their talk as standing made him tired.

"Anyways to make a long story short. I have no intention of capturing you guys, so don't worry. I came to check the whereabouts of nico robin who disappeared after the Alabasta incident, thats all. Just as i thought shes with you guys. I'm going to at least report this to headquarters, though, as another wanted person, the total bounty for you guys has now changed.

100 million.... plus 60 million... plus 79 million equals... i don't know exactly, but i'm sure it's not too shabby."

As they were talking a bunch of people came out if the bush and said they drifted here after their ship sank, so chopper gave them medical attention as the rest relaxed. They told about how their ship collided with a frog doing the front crawl causing their ship to be destroyed, aokiji said the frogs name was Yokozuna.

Aokiji them tells the stranded people to get ready to leave as there is a inhabited island nearby he will take them to, causing luffy to yell not to listen to him as he is a marine. It took a couple second for luffy to realize that the marines are the good guys to most people and he is the bad guy as he is a pirate, causing him to laugh like it was a joke. Everyone then goes to the shore where aokiji freezes the ocean until the next island making a path for the stranded people to walk on to the island, leaving the crew shocked by the power they saw.

The then says goodbye to the people and head back to the island. Aokiji was waiting for them and started thinking out loud if he should kill them or not as their track record shows they will eventually become a problem for the marines, and it would be easier to deal with them no rather than later. He also said the main reason is that he think robin is using them as another hideout before she kills them and moves in scaring robin and pissing off the rest of the crew. Robin freak out and uses her fruit to break aokiji back and neck but he shatters into fragments of ice and stands back up out of them completely fine, he then makes an ice sabre and goes to attack robin but zoro blocks him with his swords.

Sanji kicks his sword out of his hands and luffy rushes up with a pistol punch, but aokiji grabs sanji's leg and zoros arm and starts to freeze them and luffy's hand when he got punched. The three fall back in pain and alex rushes forwards with a round house kick, aokiji goes to block and do the same he did to the rest but quickly has to dodge as alex coated her leg in her black flame. Aokiji counter attacks with a punch when alex landed forcing her to block, but she was still sent flying backwards due to his strength, he then hugs robin and makes he an ice statue.

Aokiji explains how she is still alive and can be defrosted carefully but if she breaks she dies them tries to punch robin into pieces but luffy grabbed her and bent backwards saving her from the punch. Aokiji then goes to stomp on the, but usopp comes speeding past like usain bolt grabbing her and rushes off towards chopper, luffy tells them to rush back tot he ship and save robin which they quickly do. Aokiji them starts to walk after them saying that she would be better off dead but nami blocks his way with her climatact, he then uses her climatact to throw her out of the way causing the rest to rush towards him. Luffy yells for them to stop as he want to fight him in a duel as the final fight, to which aokiji agrees but says since he doesn't have a ship he will have to kill luffy, alex seeing them ready to fight quickly buts in

"Luffy you should let me fight instead he won't be able to freeze me like he would you, and robin will need you when she is unfrozen"

But luffy doesn't agree so alex could only watch from the side while saying

"I wont mess your fight but if your about to die i will stop him, and send you back tot he ship with the rest."

Alex watches as luffy wasn't able to injure aokiji but was slowly frozen over by him, each time luffy managed to hit him he would get more frozen and aokiji would just reform the part that was hit as good as new.

'If this keeps up ill have to interfere soon even if he ordered me not to, I'm unable to obey that command even if ill be punished for it later.'

Alex thought looking at luffy. Luffy manages to kick aokiji into the air and inflates himself while twisting his body, he then jumps into the air and uses the motion of deflating and untwisting to send multiple punches much faster than hid gatling punch breaking aokiji into multiple pieces. Aokiji reforms into a hug with luffy and freezes him like he did robin and sets him on the ground.

Aokiji realizes he been played as even if he won the duel he would have to leave the rest alone as it was the final fight, and if he goes after them he the senseless one. He explains how nico robin will grow into a danger to great for their crew to handle and that they would no longer be able to shoulder her problems, he then goes to shatter luffy with a kick but alex blocks it with her own fire covered leg after going into half beast mode.

"I already said that i would interfere if his life was in danger. Did you forget that?!"

"My, my what an interesting devil fruit you got there, have to increase tour bounty now"

Alex and aokiji them square off but he said that he would let them go to repair the favour the navy owes them for stopping crocodile amd the next time they meet they will die, he them starts walking away as zoro and sanji rush back into the clearing after they removed the ice from their bodies. The three of them then quickly rush luffy back to the ship to defrost him and make sure he's okay.

The crew decided to wait on the island until robin and luffy woke up so alex took night watch just in case aokiji came back she would be able to delay him more than the rest would. They managed to wake the next day feeling perfectly fine and chopper gave the the clean bill of health so they set sail and alex went to crash in her tree as she was up all night. Before she fell asleep she heard zoro talking about a frog doing a front crawl and looked over where he pointed, there she saw a samurai looking frog and warched as the rest sped the boat up to catch it.

Alex finally fell asleep as they were chasing the frog, and when she woke up again they were already docking on an island and wha=en she asked they said it was water 7 full of shipwrights. Nami, luffy, usopp and alex them went to find the iceberg guy they were recommended from a train station they stopped at while alex was sleeping, they went to see him for repairs and directions to a place to exchange gold for money.

As they went to enter the city they met a rental bull shop at the entrance and it looked like they would need to rent one in order to make it into the city, so they stopped there to get the bulls which turned out to be a type of fish horse hybrid that carries you around. After they passed the gate they were given directions to iceburg and a map by the owner of the bulls shop, making their travel easier. The bulls took them on a shortcut towards the shopping district as alex and luffy were having the time of their life traveling on the bulls as it was a better version of a roller coaster and usopp and nami screamed their heads of in terror of how fast they were going.

After arriving at the shopping district the bull alex and luffy was on dragged them towards a meat shop, where all three stuffed their faces on water water meat, as nami looked at the map on how to get the rest of the way to the shipbuilding island in the middle of water 7.