
They arrived in front of some ornate doors and had to wait to be let in while listening to the person inside rant about people attacking, and alex quickly jumps into kalifa's shadow when they lock Robin and franky to the wall near the door as she lnows she will be brough it shortly where she can return to her shadow o]after he info gathering. After being let in alex was able to spot the leader who looked like a complete idiot, he had a weird metal mask of his face and a super annoying voice. There was three other people in the room who where the three other members of CP9, one that looks like a wannabe samurai, one that looks like a biker and one that looks like a ball. The ball guy rolls at kalifa before she kicks him away towards another member and this continues until everyone has kicked him, he them starts talking about their power levels, which made no sense to Alex, and when he mentioned lucci had one at 4000, he shocked everyone.

Listening to them talk about their strength made alex wanna figure out how they measured it as she had no clue what the 4000 represents or how strong it is compared to aokiji and the other admirals. He then lists them starting by the weakest to the strongest, last is kalifa, then himself, then the samurai guy named kumadori, then blueno, then biker guy named jabra, then kaku, then lucci. Jabra instantly yells at ball guy now named fukurou about how he should be higher than kaku due to his devil fruit but kaku denies that and lucci agrees with him and calls jabra a stray dog this caused jabra and lucci to but heads with each other until the shifted forms into a wolf and leopard respectively.

Alex watched this in amusement until kalifa stops them and they start talking about how everyone in the island was talking about jabra getting rejected by someone, making him question how they knew and fukurou tells him he told everyone about it while laughing. The idot with the metal mask then starts to talk to them about how they are stonger than everyone as they mastered the six powers before congratulating them on their good job.

He then gives devil fruits to them and they sit down as he brings Robin and Franky into the room where alex utilizes the bigger shadows the windows on the room make to return to robins shadow. The idiot who called himself spandam walked towards them while talking about how the top management was to soft as he believes sacrifices are necessary to ensure the peace, and walks in front of franky while mentioning his mentor tom who he turned into a sacrifice after he wouldn't give the blueprints to him. This pissed Franky off and he charged at spandam and started to bite his head hoping to crush it, before he could the samurai interfered and used his staff on Franky's back after throwing spandam away and into the ground.

Spandam after gettig]ng ip started to step of franky's head while saying how he wished he knew franky was alive earlier as they wouldn't have to go through so much trouble to get the blue prints when they could just bring him in based on his past crimes, while his old friends iceberg was a hassle to try and get the blueprints from. He mentions how he was about to take forceful measures as iceberg was to close to the government to try any dirty tricks like he did with tom, but them aokiji sent him word Nico Robin will be arriving in water seven and gave him permission to call a Buster Call letting him use her to get the blueprints.

He them starts to laugh like a loser villain he is while bragging about his achievement of gathering both keys for the ancient weapon revival. Robin asks why he was given permission but this pissed spandam off and he charged Robin before giving her a mean right hook to the face sending her flying while yelling about how she is in no position to question him and if he didn't recognize the value of her existence it would be practically worthless.

Alex almost came out of the shadow after the punch, and Robins shadow looked like it possessed eyes for a second before she managed to calm herself down and the shadow went back to normal. Spandam then said to Robin

"From here on, you'll suffer pain so severe that you wish many times for death to come, so prepare yourself. We'll hurt you, use you, and throw you away into the sea. That is how deeply sinful your existence itself is!"

Before he started to laugh again. Alex was trying really hard not to jump out of the shadow and kill him and it was showing by the shadow flickering between cat like and the same as Robin, alex calmed herself with the promise that she will make it so he will live the rest of his life in agony and shame making it so he will be unable to kill himself but have to keep living.

He then tells Robin about a call he got earlier about some moron infiltrating the base to get her back, he says the strawhats will make a good gift for the warden when he brings Franky to him shocking Robin. Robin lashed out saying

"Wait! That's not what we agreed upon! In return for my cooperation, you were supposed to let them escape safely!"

Spandam then tells lucci to say exactly what the deal was and he replied

"That the seven straw hats, excluding Nico Robin, would leave Water Seven safely."

Spanda, then looks down at Robin and says

"They came here after leaving Water Seven safely, right?"

This leaves Robin shocked before asking

"Son't tell me.... that you're going to break the deal useing such twisted logic!"

franky cuts in saying

"They're hopeless scum. They don't have a shred of morality in them."

Before spandam starts stepping on his head again while telling him to shut up and how they don't even have to keep promises to criminal scum like her before turning to robin and hitting her to the ground again. Spandam then starts to stomp on Robin like he did franky, while telling her not to get cocky bitch and even the navy openly uses tricks to capture pirates!

Alex finally lost control and the room was engulfed in darkness shocking everyone as they were unable to see alex knocked spandam out she then grabbed Robin and Franky before she jumped out of the window leaving the pitch black room behind as the three started to free fall towards the waterfall below. Robin and Franky were screaming the whole way thinking they are about to die but alex used her shadow and tried imitating the moonwalk she saw CP9 use and managed to walk on her shadow that she formed under her feet as she ran towards the train station amd the area covered in smoke and sounds of battle.

Finding a secluded building she quickly emter while letting the other go before looking out the window for signs of CP9 following her, when she saw noone she turned to Robin with a smile

"You really didn't think thing through did you? You got so scared after hearing they have the ability to use Buster Call that all the brains i know you have were ground to shit making you, who has been on the run from the government your whole life, who knows exactly what the government does and is willing to do to get what they want, decide to trust that they would keep their word once they captured you?!

What made you think that the people willing to kill an island of civilians for no reason then they can read a stone, think they are trust worthy?!

you would rather trust they would keep their word them that me and the crew would be able to protect you from them, that we wouldn't turn our backs to you as soon as we find out how troublesome it could potentially be having you around?!

Have you not already realized what each of us is like, even Usopp the coward he is is still brave enough to attack the world government when it means saving his friends!

We are not the people of your past who you need to be always guarded against thinking they would turn you in, isn't that why you decided to give yourself up rather than just running away?! Because you know we can be trusted and it what? Scared you? Made you so uncomfortable that you would rather go to the government than just realize that our feeling for you are real and that we would do anything for you?!

Answer me dammit!!"

Alex yelled leaving her huffing for air as she stared down Robin who was looking at her with wide surprised eyes.