44: Luffy’s Dad

Alex hearing that the Navy guy was Luffy's Grandpa slumped to the floor while spitting more blood and bleeding through her shirt as her neck wound re-opened, Chopper seeing her condition started running around yelling for a doctor before remembering he was a doctor. He then rushed to her side and started to give her treatment and restitched her neck wound before bandaging it and moving her to a comfy chair where she could relax.

"Luffy! Isn't there something you need to apologize to me for?!"

Garp says to luffy while standing in the hole he left of the wall with crossed arms and a demonically loving smile on his face. The marines outside hearing him address Luffy started to murmur about not knowing Garp had a grandson, notifying the crew about who exactly Luffy's Grandpa was.Nami asked if he was the same Garp as the Marine hero, to which luffy agreed before telling them not to mess with him, as when he was young he almost got killed by him multiple times.

"Now, don't go around giving me a bad name. I shoved you into a bottomless pit....I threw you into a jungle at night....I attached you to balloons and let them fly...I did all those things in order to make you a strong man!"

Garp said with pride in his voice .

"I think i've just discovered where Luffy's endless vitality comes from..."

Sanji whispered to himself watching garp talk about raising Luffy

"I eventually entrusted you with my friend and had you train with Ace...but i take my eyes off you, and look what happens...I trained you to become a strong marine!"-Garp

"I told you over and over that i wanted to become a pirate!"-Luffy

"You got corrupted by "Red Hair"! How foolish!"-Garp

"Sh-Shanks saved my life! Don't badmouth him!"-Luffy

Garp them picked Luffy up by his shirt with a fist raised to punch while yelling

"How dare you talk like that to your Grandpa?!"

"AHHH! I'm sorry!"-Luffy

"This is terrible! Luffy got captured by the Navy!"-Chopper

The crew watched shocked as both Grandpa and grandson fell asleep mid fight with snot bubbles and all!

Alex seeing them asleep got the smile of a cheshire cat as she snuck up to Garp ignoring the rest telling her to leave him alone and quickly frisked him while taking all objects he has on him into her own pockets, just as she reached for the last item her hand was grabbed. Looking up she sees Garp looking down on her with the smile of the devil

"Don't Ever Touch My Rice Cracker!"

Before he slams her onto the ground repeatedly like a rag doll and she passed out, leaving Garp holding an unconscious Alex as the crew panics again. Garp then dropped alex and turned back to Luffy who was still asleep

"Wake up, Luffy! Is that how you behave when you're being scolded?! And that's not how you should speak to your Grandpa in the first place!"

He them beat the living out of luffy leaving him covered in fist sized bumps stacked on top of each other.

"Th-Th-That hurt!"-Luffy

"Do you even know what kind of pirate"Red Hair" is to start with?!"-Garp

"Shanks?! Are they... Are Shanks and the others doing okay?! Where are they?!"-Luffy

"Doing okay?! Well, there are countless pirates nowadays, but out of all pf them, he's ranked in the top four pirates, in the same league as Whitebeard. These four reign over the second ha;f of the Grand Line like emperors. So people call the, the Four Emperors. Navy Headquarters and the Seven Warlords of the Sea have joined together to fight against these four! If the balance among these three great powers is lost, it os said that world peace will fall apart. That's how large their power is."-Garp

"I didn't really get all that, but it's good to hear he's doing okay. It really brings back memories."-Luffy

Before they could talk more they hear fighting outside and one of the officers told Garp Zoro was fighting the Marines. Luffy hearing this rushed out and Garp orders two people to fight Zoro and Luffy, which they did instantly, and where thus instantly defeated by them. Garp walked out amd laughed at them as they were no match at all, the two then surrender and Luffy and Zoro let them up. They ask if they remember them but have to introduce themselves as Luffy and Zoro don't remember them, Coby remind them about himself and they remember before deciding to go back inside and eat leaving the second standing there. He gets pissed and started yelling about how they ignored him, causing them to question who he was.

The guy introduced himself as Helmeppo, the son of Captain Morgan, the guy who crucified and almost executed Zoro. He then got a smug look on his face as he asked if they remembered him now, which they replied with tilted heads and confusion. He them we]ent into further detail about when they met and finally got them to remember him, but they just got uninterested faces as they said

"Oh, its you. Oh, yeah... There was a guy like that. So it's you!"

This caused Helmeppo to cry to Coby about how he cam't stand them. Coby them asked if they were still friends even though they were now enemies, which Luffy being Luffy, agreed to. Garp then turns to his men

"Well then, you guys...! Repair this wall."-Garp

"What?! That's so selfish! If you were going to have it fixed, why did you break it in the first place?!"-Random Marine

"It's cooler to go in that way, isn't it?!"-Garp

"Don't break things for reasons like that! Well then, we'll repair it, so please help us, okay?!"-Random Marine

"What?! Okay."-Garp

They then start repairing the wall with Garp helping leaving the crew shocked as this big shot Navy Vice Admiral was doing such a thing. Garp them turns to luffy

"Come to think of it, Luffy... I heard that you saw your old man."-Garp

"What?! My dad? What do you mean by my dad? I have a dad?"-Luffy

"Oh... Then he didn't tell you who he was? I heard that he saw you off at loguetown."-Garp

"LUffy's old man was in that town?"-Sanji

"Wh-What's my dad like?"-Luffy

"I'm curious... about Luffy's father!"-Nami

"Your father's name is...Monkey D. Dragon. He's a revolutionary!"-Garp

This shocks all the people in the know as they never knew Dragon had a son! And that Dragon is Garp's Son! Luffy questioned why his crew was shocked making them freak that he doesn't know who Dragon was. He then turns to Robin for am explanation

"How can i explain it...? Pirates wouldn't start a fight with the Government or Navy, but there's a power trying to bring down the World Government directly now. That's the revolutionary army. And Dragon is the man who leads it. Their ideology has spread in ,any countries around the world, which caused rebellions and led several kingdoms to fall. The Government naturally became angry and has been searching everywhere for their mastermind, Dragon, all this time as the world's most heinous criminal... but he's been considered a mysterious man whose background was completely unknown. And yet..."

Robin leaves the sentence hanging as she stares at Garp

"Ah! I guess... I shouldn't have said anything about it, huh?"

He then starts laughing leaving everyone shocked again.

"Well, then...forget what i just said!"

Turning everyone white in shock.