Trick to Negotiations

Tian Erhe was not confused by the fancy name as he asked weakly, "What exactly does it entail?"

Jiang Baimian had already thought of the way to phrase it and answered fluently, "To put it simply, you have to provide the company with the intelligence and books you have obtained. At the same time, some transactions that are inconvenient for the company to carry out will be relegated to you.

"In addition, you can't refuse if a member of the company needs a place to stay or a certain level of help. What you can obtain is: Better weapons, more bullets, wider knowledge, high-production seeds, cheaper cotton, cloth, drugs, and salt…"

Upon hearing the latter part of the explanation, everyone in Moat Town—including Li Zhengfei—was moved.

For a settlement that could barely be self-sufficient, be it weapons, bullets, cotton, cloth, drugs, or salt, they were items they were lacking. They worried every day about where they could trade for such items.