People of Action

Shang Jianyao's eyebrows gradually relaxed. "Alright."

"Alright my ass! I haven't even said what my requests are," Jiang Baimian retorted angrily. She paused and exhaled. "First, it must not affect the investigation of the reason behind Lei Yunsong and his team's disappearance.

"Second, if you aren't confident and think that you will expose yourself, switch to gathering intelligence. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

The core content of the two requirements was simple—Shang Jianyao needed to be concealed, and the other was to be careful.

"Alright." Shang Jianyao still gave the same answer. He then turned around and walked to the team's jeep. He opened the trunk and rummaged for a baseball cap.

"What can this hide? Uh… Wear your clothes inside out." Although Jiang Baimian said that, she still took a baseball cap and placed it on her head. She lowered it to cover half of her face.