Shepherd Bouillon

Jiang Baimian turned to look at Shang Jianyao and repeated the keywords. "Tampered memories?"

Guo Zheng's hysterical screams horrified her.

This wasn't only because of the other party's performance and voice, but also because memories were a person's most private and precious possessions. If one's memories were also tampered with, there was no way to distinguish what was real and what was fake.

When the time came, he might have to take the initiative to join the Monks Conclave with the daily recitals of phrases like 'this world is an illusion,' 'dream, an illusion, a bubble, and a shadow,' and 'everything with form is unreal.'

Shang Jianyao didn't show any fear and nodded seriously. "All of Father's abilities are accounted for."

"Indeed…" Jiang Baimian snapped to her senses and exhaled.

From the information they had obtained so far, the real Father's three Awakened abilities were: Hypnosis, memory tampering, and creating a common illusion.