
The next morning, the Old Task Force went straight to Redstone Collection after having breakfast and entered the Public Security Department.

Regardless, they felt that it was better to resolve Han Wanghuo's problem first. The longer this dragged on, the easier it was for accidents to happen. For example, if Weiler had a loose tongue and accidentally told the other town guards what he had seen, news that Han Wanghuo was a Subhuman would spread throughout Redstone Collection.

It would be fine if Han Wanghuo wasn't a Subhuman, but it would be troublesome if he really was. Even if he didn't do anything that let down Redstone Collection, he might be forced to explain himself to prove his innocence.

The Old Task Force had fought alongside him before, so they naturally had some good intentions toward him. They hoped to resolve this problem in the best possible way.

However, Weiler was the only one sitting in the Public Security Department.