Reception Room

As the scene fell silent, Shang Jianyao suddenly said in 'horror,' "Are you trying to silence us?"

Ulrich was stunned for a few seconds before responding. "Mr. DiMarco allows you to bring weapons, but you can't wear the military exoskeleton."

Very confident… Jiang Baimian snapped to her senses and decided to agree after some thought. "Alright."

No matter why DiMarco suddenly wanted to meet them, this was a rare opportunity. Furthermore, they could inform the Vigilance Cathedral before entering the Underground Ark to ensure their safety.

As she walked to her jeep, Jiang Baimian didn't hide her puzzlement and directly asked Ulrich, "Why did Mr. DiMarco suddenly change his mind? He just rejected our meeting request yesterday."

Ulrich slowly shook his head. "I'm not too sure either. I'm just following Master's instructions."