Another Possibility

The steelworks factory's medical record was something Long Yuehong had found during his first search of ruins. Furthermore, it had a certain research value. Therefore, he had a deep impression of it and recalled all the relevant details.

"Yes, they really are alike!" he replied to Jiang Baimian excitedly. "They became vegetables because of something. They signed a volunteer agreement and were then sent somewhere in the north to receive experimental treatment."

The biggest difference between these two matters was that there were differences in certain descriptions, but this didn't affect the essence of the problem.

Just as Long Yuehong said that, Bai Chen blurted out, "That hospital—no, that place has secrets?"

She began to suspect that it might not be a hospital. The hospital might very well be a cover!

Jiang Baimian controlled the excitement in her heart and looked at Shang Jianyao. "What do you think?"