Staying Behind

After some thought, Jiang Baimian said seriously, "There are two problems with that. First, your Church's Dream Protector might take two to three days to arrive. An accident might happen at any moment during this wait, causing our defense to fail.

"Second, we don't know what other changes the Superior Heartless has undergone. Maybe he only has a few days left to live. Maybe that's why he stubbornly wants to enter Tarnan and find Nanke Convent to inform his fellow parishioners of the critical information."

Zhou Yue nodded slightly, but she still didn't make her position clear.

Jiang Baimian continued, "Besides, we don't have to take too many risks. We just have to shrink the defense perimeter. Even if our guess is wrong, it won't affect our subsequent actions."

Zhou Yue finally spoke. "What do you want to do?"