
Upon hearing Shang Jianyao's question, Du Heng fell silent for a few seconds before saying, "Sort of."

His answer was rather vague, completely different from his previous performance of being a good teacher.

Jiang Baimian recalled what Du Heng had said in Swamp Ruin 1. If she wanted to know such important information, she had to exchange information of equivalent value. Jiang Baimian's mouth—which had planned on pressing on—closed again.

Shang Jianyao thought for a few seconds and casually asked, "Who exactly is Xiaochong?"

Du Heng smiled and said, "Actually, I'm not that sure. I've lost many of my memories, and I only know that one of my goals in life is to find him. He's very dangerous, and he might be involved in some of the Old World's secrets."

"I have a way to retrieve your memories!" Shang Jianyao volunteered.

Long Yuehong and Bai Chen were relatively confident in this. After all, the Old Task Force had the Destiny Pearl.