
Beep. Beep. Beep.

"The amount of nuclear pollution in the water here isn't that serious. It's within the purifiable range." The silver-black robot, Genava, squatted beside a stream that flowed across the black lands and completed the test.

The weeds grew densely here and were long, and the color green almost filled the area as far as the eye could see. But compared to the areas with more severe nuclear pollution, they weren't considered exaggerated. In those places, the grass was often nearly half the height of a person. It wasn't rare to see wild onions growing nearly three meters tall.

Although such an environment wasn't a key criterion for judging pollution, it could help Ruin Hunters make preliminary judgments from a distance and reduce the difficulty of the screening.

"Finally…" Long Yuehong heaved a long sigh of relief after hearing Genava's words.