The Dark Night’s Opportunity for Murder

The person who entered the study was a butler that had served Phocas for many years. His name was Reiner, and he was almost 60 years old. He could be considered advanced in age in the Ashlands, sans the people in high society.

Reiner's hair was clearly mottled white. The wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, lips, and forehead were relatively obvious, but he had a strong body and a mind in good shape. His blue eyes only showed reliability forged through time—it wasn't ravaged by the vicissitudes of life.

"General, the bathwater is ready." Reiner bowed.

Phocas's yellow eyes swept across the butler's face, and he nodded. "Alright."

He slowly stood up and led the guards guarding the door to the second floor as he stroked the statues along the railings.

The guards remained at the bedroom door, and only two maids followed in to help Phocas remove his general uniform and enter the bathroom.