Old Friend

The grayish-green jeep slowly drove along the green, withered mountain road, headed for the distant wilderness.

Who is Team Leader waiting for? Why is she driving so slowly… Just as this thought flashed through Long Yuehong's mind, he saw the jeep stop by the roadside.

Jiang Baimian cleared her throat and asked, "Which of you will sit in the passenger seat?"

When they set off, Shang Jianyao and Long Yuehong actually gave up on the passenger seat and chose the backseat. It looked like they were leaving Bai Chen a seat.

Uh… Amid Long Yuehong's confusion, Shang Jianyao pushed open the door, alighted, and moved to the passenger seat.

Jiang Baimian looked ahead and ordered, "Guide the way and do manual navigation."

She then added casually, "The price I paid obfuscates my ability to recognize directions."

"Directionally challenged…" Shang Jianyao came to a realization.