
In a doctor's conference room in the mental hospital, Laurice sat opposite the long table. She had one arm placed horizontally across the table to prop herself up as she held the other unclasped hand to her mouth.

She recalled and said, "Actually, Oudick and I have only known each other for less than two years. He was introduced by a friend. He's an Advanced Hunter, and I know what that entails. I thought he would be very arrogant or rude on our first official meeting, but that wasn't the case in reality."

Shang Jianyao, Jiang Baimian, and the others didn't interject. They watched as Laurice moved her hand—which was placed by her mouth—to her ear and combed the hair that fell to her temples.

Her tone unconsciously softened. "He was very polite, not the superficial kind of politeness, but the kind of politeness that shows true respect toward a person…