White Light

An anomaly really happened? Long Yuehong—who was wrapped in the Blackmarsh Iron Snake bionic artificial intelligence armor—almost popped his eyes out.

The anomaly in the Holm Fertility Center—a Buddhist Holy Land—was actually hidden in the fertility cryochamber!

For a moment, Long Yuehong couldn't help but recall Shang Jianyao's words: Master Zhuang, Subhuti… Fertility materials… Holy relics…

Long Yuehong tried his best to stop himself from making any connections to prevent himself from being smote to death by the Kalendarium.

It's all Shang Jianyao's fault! He guiltily emphasized.

Shang Jianyao had just passed through the half-collapsed iron door when he stopped. He then reached into his pocket and took out an item that emitted a green glow.

It wasn't the small, lake-green jade Buddha but the Six Senses Beads that Shang Jianyao had previously removed.