Missing Villagers

The next morning, the Old Task Force waited until the sun completely rose before leaving the campsite and returning to Linhe Village in the jeep.

Apart from the soil under the old pagoda tree having traces of being dug up, this place was no different from before dark yesterday. These traces were left behind when Shang Jianyao and Long Yuehong buried Du Shaochong's corpse.

Jiang Baimian sized it up for a while and said to her team members, "Let's enter the village."

After taking a few steps, Shang Jianyao suddenly exclaimed.

Just as Jiang Baimian suspected that this fellow had another episode again and was hesitating about asking, Shang Jianyao took the initiative to ask, "Do you think the remains buried under the old pagoda tree are still there?"

How can it not be here? We just buried it yesterday! Long Yuehong muttered inwardly.

Although he said that, he couldn't help but think about the possibility of them really being gone.