
Ceningmis, under the seemingly eternally dark sky.

Genava and Shang Jianyao—who were wearing military exoskeletons—were walking toward the 'post' where the Eighth Research Institute's guards were stationed.

Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong, and Bai Chen hid on a nearby mountain and watched them through binoculars.

At present, the Old Task Force could only determine that the Life Angel necklace could help the owner avoid the Heartless virus that filled Ceningmis. They didn't know if the small jade Buddha and the Six Senses Beads could.

They couldn't test them via elimination because it would mean that a member would become a Heartless once it didn't work. Therefore, they got Shang Jianyao to bring the Life Angel necklace and enter Ceningmis with the smart bot, Genava, to complete the exploration mission like last time.