
Shang Jianyao looked back and saw that there was indeed nobody in all the rooms. He could only sigh and look at the blood-red door ahead again.

"At this point, we can only go in and ask Xiaochong face-to-face!" The rash Shang Jianyao spoke in a low voice on behalf of many.

After overcoming all kinds of difficulties, he stretched out his hands, pressed them against the door, and began exerting strength.

The blood-red door slowly opened, revealing darkness inside.

Shang Jianyao strode through the door in one go. He was immediately enveloped by pitch-black darkness.

"Xiaochong! Xiaochong!" Shang Jianyao shouted.

His voice spread far and wide, but it didn't reverberate. This made this place seem like a vast wasteland instead of a room.

"Xiaochong! Xiaochong!" Shang Jianyao persisted.

Nobody replied.

Just as Shang Jianyao tried to materialize a loudspeaker, he heard whimpering.

It was a woman crying not far away.