6. Announcement

All students have gathered in the field, the backyard of the school looks crowded this morning .. Nafisah using a wheelchair together with Rosebell, the sophistication of medical technology made them both look fine in a few hours ..

Nafisah has been holding her necklace around her neck, why is it that every time holding this necklace is like showing a handsome boy? Nafisah saw how that boy kissed Nafisah's forehead and always said love ..

Nandra even told Nafisah to always wear this necklace, even though without being told, Nafisah would not take off the necklace either.

Several seniors lined up neatly followed by Nandra who was in front .. Nandra was clad in a black long-sleeved knit sweater, his hair was a little wet and looked handsome when the morning sun shone in .. Nafisah blinked her eyes several times when Nafisah and Nandra's eyes met each other. .. even Nandra could have smiled sweetly and winked one eye ..

All the female students cheered with joy because Nandra showed that smile, some of the others whispered that they would get Nandra somehow .. Why do all the girls want to be close to Nandra? while Nafisah is even getting lazy to be close to that unclear man ...

Nafisah scratched her ear which didn't itch because the voice of the woman here was really annoying, even Nasmira was screaming too ...

"Good morning all..". Nandra's voice interrupted through the microphone used, causing the students to become silent and suddenly silent, but the smiles behind their faces did not fade at all ..

"Morning ...". Answer the students in unison ..

"This morning is the day we have been waiting for the most, because this morning you are officially students at Aurora Senior High School. Maybe there are not many things that can make us close to each other ... But through an introduction and the time will be we go through afterwards, I hope you can be smarter and more creative in this school. I, as the head of the student management committee at this school, would like to thank you for your participation, from the introduction to the game we were going through which was quite difficult .. maybe for some people this game is not Cool, Too easy, Too difficult, or even some I hear say this game is not like a fun game .. Just an action to make new students waste time .. I don't care what you say, but here I will explain it once again that .. Everything we did during these two days will not be in vain .. ". Nandra paused the conversation, then came several bodyguards who were escorting an adult boy, his charisma made every student gaped in awe ..

The man smiled and walked towards Nandra, then tapped the microphone several times ..

"Good morning everyone, nice to see so many enthusiastic students this morning .. maybe some of you already know me, or maybe we meet at some big event .. I don't know, but I will introduce myself once again, for an introduction. we're a little more formal ". The man laughed, greeted by other laughter from several seniors who knew that this man was very humorous .. "I introduce myself to the owner of this school. Yes, you can say that I am the husband of the owner of this school. I am Ramelson Ettrama, the main director of Aurora high school. . say welcome and welcome to join to all students who are here .... ". the sound of applause immediately embellished when Ramelson spoke with a tone of joy ..

Nafisah only followed the applause of the others, the face of the man named Ramelson was indeed familiar in Nafisah's mind .. especially when she said that she was the husband of the owner of this school. So, he's Mrs. Reista's husband?

Nafisah is sad when she thinks about Mrs. Reista, an innocent woman who turns out to be the angel who took the life of Nafisah's mother.

"Here I want to explain a few things, I think the new rules for all of you ... two days you took the introductory exam, those two days I actually assessed a lot of things from every student here .. I monitored you from a distance, no need to ask how I monitored. .. But what you have to know is one thing, that I will give a big gift to students who are smart and selected and creative in the introductory test two days ago .. Whoever wins this prize, you will get an unexpected reward. . you are curious what is the reward? ". Ramel deliberately made all the students curious, Nandra who was beside him could only snort in annoyance at his own father.

his father is getting older and increasingly unclear, feels he is still young and can still joke with school children who can be said to be more worthy of being his children than his joke friends ..

"Yes .. Yes .. we are curious". All the students answered compactly, it made Ramel smile more widely .. and Nandra glanced more and more annoyed at his father, just look at this father .. Nandra will complain to Mommy Reista if Daddy Ramel spreads his charm to the new students. Daddy will definitely get angry with Mommy ..

"The first reward, you will get a full scholarship to study at the university you want after graduating from this school. You will also be financed and given all the supporting facilities during the lecture." The words scholarship made Nafisah immediately raised her eyebrows and listened carefully. Nafisah is indeed eyeing a scholarship for college. Because Nafisah really wants to be able to go to college without burdening Aunts and Uncle.

"The second reward, if you have graduated from college and you are good at business .. then I myself will help you create a new business and all of that is under my strict supervision". Some male students immediately cheered when they heard the second reward, they were indeed guided to be successful and could make a great business like the Ettrama family ..

"The third reward, this is a gift from my lovely wife .. My wife gave a gift of Aurora high school to students who behaved well during the 3 years you studied here !!". All the students were silent and the whispers immediately sounded strange .. Some students said, is that true? how could this school be given by someone else? Why? Many questions that make Nafisah herself confused to think about ..

"Calm down ... calm down everyone .. two days of your introduction, 50 students will be selected who fall into the category of Good, smart, creative, and have a social spirit. The 50 students will undergo 3 years under the supervision of several teachers. 50 of you will compete. to become a qualified and dedicated student .. If you make mistakes and break the rules, then you will be unconditionally disqualified .. there are only 5 special tickets to get the three rewards .. Whoever the person is, it can't be someone carelessly .. And yes one more thing, don't forget about the business cooperation between the Ettrama company and some of your parents' companies. if you really qualify to become exemplary students ". Applause immediately echoed in this field, all students were immediately happy and worried at the same time ..