98. Leaving (Part II)

After Nafisah leaving London, at this time she open many doors and look around the room. Renand woke up from a long dream that saw no light at all.

Renand looked to the side, there was already his mother who was smiling and crying, then Aunt Clarke was also checking Renand's condition. Renand felt his body go numb and couldn't move at all.

even when the breathing tube was taken from his nose, at this time he felt his world suddenly being pulled in and his breath was a little painful.

"Renand .. you can See Mommy, right ?." Asked his mother, Renand could only nod, then began to guess why he was here.

When all these thoughts came and went, when he realized Renand began to realize something.

"Naf..Isah .." Renand said with difficulty, Renand wanted to wake up from his sleep and see how Nafisah's current condition was.

However Renand could not move his limbs at all, Renand tried once again. but still his body can't move ..