104. Everythings is on Nafisah's Control

Elena went back into Nafisah's room, Seeing her child was combing her hair and humming a little. Elena smiled happily to see that her long black hair looked shiny, her son had nice hair ..

"Hi." Said Elena, Nafisah who heard her mother's voice. immediately looked quickly.

"Hi mom .. I just finished taking a shower, the warm water feels different or am I the one who is happy?" Nafisah asked but already had their own answer. Their smiles did not fade even though they had only met in the last few hours.

Nafisah feels that Elena's mother is indeed kind and sincere, if she loves her father. then Nafisah will also love him .. Love grows when you see how someone treats those we love well.

"I'm happy that you seem comfortable." Elena took a comb from Nafisah's hand, then started combing her son's hair slowly.

"Mother .. May I ask?" Nafisah said in a low voice.