171. The Sample

Clarke and Nafisah got out of the car, Nafisah looked around briefly. This place looks a little lonely, but actually it's really quiet According to Nafisah.

"Let's go inside, my friend is going to the supermarket. He will be back before noon, we can use his laboratory for a while." Clarke took Nafisa inside, when she was in front of the door. Clarke put his cellphone on the doorknob, there Clarke already had Rebecca's barcode to get inside.

Clarke and Nafisa went inside, walked towards the laboratory behind the house. Clarke opened the door again and went inside. He opened his bag and took out the food he had brought earlier, which was actually already filled with sleeping pills for Nafisa.

Clarke pretended to be busy and started to stroke the sample of Renand's blood that was in the small glass box. Clarke also opened the window curtains that exposed the back garden.