Chapter 6:Academy

{So how have you been?This chapter will be about MC taking the academy exam}

Divinium,huh.....must be something like vibranium of the marvel universe.But was I vaccinated with it?Let me ask mom.

Yuuto:"Mom,I have a question?"

Mom:"Yes,my cute lil' boy?Look at the mini genius asking questions(>.<)!!

Yuuto:"Please mom,I am 9(-_-).Anyways,was I vaccinated with divine adamantium?"

Mom:"No,we are going to now(^_^)."

Yuuto:"What did you say?"

Mom:"I said you are going to get vaccinated now.( ◜‿◝ )♡"

Yuuto:"Da faq?(ಠಿ_ಠ)"

Shit.Its not like I am afraid of needles,but after vaccination,you get a terrible stomach as an aftermath for 30 mins to expel the impurities.

I heard rumors in the internet about it.

Apparently,it feels like hell and at the same time feels peaceful after doing it.There is no need for an 'almighty push'(Naruto RF) to expel the impurities.Is she a goddess or demon?

So,the next thing that happened was that I went to a huge hospital and entered a room known as the vaccination room.As I had hypersense,I heard some disturbing shit.

*Stranger(1):"So that kid is going 'there' today?"

*Stranger(2):"Yes.Apparently he is the son of the Academy Dean.What were they thinking vaccinating their son at such a late age?"

*Stranger (3):"Che....pitiful child.I hope he does not get 'PTSD'.Let us pray for him"

*All of them in harmony:"AMITABHA..."

Great,they just ruined my confidence.

The next few minutes were as expected,HELL.

The following sounds and words echoed in the hospital...

Aaaaaaaah...God!!!!!Fu** you doctors!!!Which mo*****cker told you to use such a large a** needle!!!Oh God my AS*!....

The rest of the words are not describable.If anyone heard them,they would call the kid a cursing genius.

Whew.....I am finally free.That was hell.(ಠ﹏ಠ)

But at the same time my body feel really healthy and light.My senses have been heightened and my mana is flowing perfectly smooth.Other than that I feel something new inside my body.

*Random Doctor:"The results are out madam.

Your son seems to have awakened an ability as well.The results will be displayed on the screen in front of you."


Patient Name:Gilgamesh Von Samael


Blood Type:AB+

Ability:Light-attribute cells,Hypersense

*Random Doctor:"AB?!As expected of their child.He has potential to awaken a great blood

spirit.I believe he will show great potential.

Mom:" cute baby!!He is sho shtrong( ◜‿◝ )♡!You make mommy sho proud!

Yuuto:"Mom!!!!I am already 9 you know."

So,about the 'blood spirit'.You can think of it as the manifestation of the power of your blood.It is very rare,only awakened by AB+ blood typed people.

To awaken your blood spirit you need the baptism of the blood spirit pool.It was first created by the king of the spirit race using the remains of spirits.

Apparently,spirits are incredibly pure organisms with the exceptions of corrupted spirits.That is why their remains are deemed as treasures.There is a blood spirit pool on every universe inside their individual academies.

So,back to the story.We are now heading inside the academy.The hospital was actually inside the academy premise.The academy was really clean inside with ultra advanced technology.

It had teleportation devices instead of lifts or stairs and you could find every single facility of a good school.The classrooms were top notch with training grounds and practice rooms.

In fact,Genesis Academy is really famous in the multiverse.As I said,Genesis is one of the most advanced worlds in terms of technology.

That is why Genesis Academy is known as the most advanced academy among the others.

So,for the exam we went to the academy's personal stadium through a nearby teleporter.

You just need to say your desired location to teleport.

The stadium was really large.The floor was pure white with numerous unknown equipments.There was also a person standing in the middle of the floor with thousands of people surrounding him sitting as audience.

He was obviously the examiner.So he started with some bullshit speech and then welcomed my fath...*cough*the Dean to the Academic Personnel Audience room.Then my mother sent me to a private room.

Inside the room,there were a lot of kids like me.They had diverse expressions seeing me.Some were interested and some were not while some were thinking of me as an enemy.

Sadly there were no girls.But for the boys.....

Fuc* them.

An AI attendant gave me a mini tablet with holographic screen.You could make a uniform suited for yourself to be comfortable during the tests.You would also get a badge with examinee and your name written.

For a uniform,I decided to make a long black coat with golden fur on the collar and chain.I also got myself a black shoulder pad.The pants were made with the same comfortable fabric and color as the coat.Yes,I looked dashing.

Then,the AI guided us all outside.At this moment,a boy with dark hair and a white suit came to me and started whispering.

???:Hello.I am Kane Vlad and I am a vampire.

May I ask your name?

Yuuto:"Yes,my name is Gilgamesh Von Samael.I am a half-blood demon and celestial."

Kane:"Wow.So you are the dean's son?Its a pleasure to meet you sir."

Yuuto:"Spare me the bullshit honorifics.So,you want to ask about something?"

Kane:"Ah,yes.I just found you standing out among the rest.You intrigue me with such a powerful blood.So I just wanted to speak with you."

Yuuto:"Powerful Blood?What do you mean?"

Kane:"Well,I am the successor of the vampire lord you see.And the royal vampires have a unique sense for people with strong blood potential."

Yuuto:"Oh.In fact you are also interesting.You are pretty strong compared to many here.My ability tells me so."

Kane:"Well,I believe that I am strong compared to many here I guess.So what do you say,wanna be friends?"

Yuuto:"You bet,I was tired of these hobos so I could not make any friends.Comrades are deemed important by me."

So,I just made my first friend.He was pretty cool.He was also very handsome.Definitely worthy of being my comrade.

So now we lined up with the examiner in our front.We were told that we are group A.Each groups will face off against each other after passing the aptitude test.There will be individual battles among groups in the first part of the practical test.

Winners in the individual battles will form another group who will participate in a tournament.Depending on the decision of the judges,examinees will be chosen regardless of winning or losing in the battle.The chosen examinees can successfully enroll in the academy.

Well,this is going to be interesting.