"Ok class, we'll pick this up tomorrow. You're dismissed." The teacher announced and everyone bounced off their seats. The noise started building up as friends gathered around the room in different groups. This is how it was every Thursday; all the 'cool kids' go out after school. Naturally everyone started going out every Thursday as well. I was just done gathering the books I need for the weekend when I saw my group of friends. They were all discussing all the fun things they will do that evening. Fun fact: I wasn't invited. I walked out of the class and headed to my parent's car that was waiting in front of the school gate.
Ignoring my sour mood, I spread a big smile on my face. On the way back home, I rambled on about my school day and told my parents some goofy stories. My parents don't need the stress of my problems as well, so I usually just leave out the sad parts of my day. By the time we reached home, my daily headache was getting really bad and I was craving some silence but that didn't stop me from continuing on with my façade. We left the car and went up to our apartment.
I headed straight to my room and locked the door behind me. I was finally allowed to drop the act. My smile quickly vanished, and I pulled out my phone. I scrolled through my social media only to see all these posts of my friends laughing together and having fun. I laid on my bed, mentally beating myself up. I am such a bad person. How can my friend's happiness make me sad? Is it because they're hanging out without me? Well, I can't really force them to hang out with me. Am I just lonely? How can I be lonely when I'm surrounded by people? So many questions rushed through my mind. The more the questions the deeper this feeling of emptiness took root inside me. I can't afford to think like that though. My parents are doing everything within their power to make sure I'm happy, I can't disappoint them like that. I turned off my phone and pulled my self together.
Just as I finished changing out of my school uniform, I heard my mom calling me out for lunch. I didn't really feel hungry, but my mom put all this effort into the food that I can't just refuse it. I shoved spoon after spoon in my mouth while listening to my dad telling us about his day. I listened carefully, trying not to show my anger at the mention of all the issues he had at work. My listening was interrupted though when I felt my stomach twist and turn. This happens almost every day now, so I'm pretty used to this situation. I smiled at my parents, thanked them for the food and went into the bathroom while trying to hold in my vomit. Once I was in the bathroom, I leaned down in front of the toilet and threw up all my stomach's contents. Before I walked out, I made sure to flush the toilet and brush my teeth to get rid of any remaining evidence of what just happened.
I didn't really feel like studying today so I just pulled out my laptop and started watching my favorite show, Naruto. Today I was going to start my 4th re-watch of the show and I couldn't wait to get my mind off of everything. I laid on my bed with my laptop in front of me as the intro song began playing. The familiar music calmed my raging brain. As the calm washed over me, my exhaustion finally caught up to me. Wishing to be anywhere else but my reality, I welcomed the darkness to take over me and, finally, I dozed off into a peaceful sleep.