
Xavier's POV

This is bad really bad, a few years ago he came to preach to us about why we, the Mutants were unequal compared to humans. I never expected his answers to be so simple yet chaotic.

I had thought he would be more like Erik. Its not like his speech was really good, but it hit all the points it needed to. Legion huh, what he did can not only be considered ridiculous but also is bordering on the works of a god.

Logan was already indoctrinated by his thoughts on that day. I can see that Storm is also considering leaving the school. Scott is still himself, he doesn't understand how such a dangerous man could do the part of sharing.

I remember some words i was once imparted with 'Its not that sharing is a crime, but sharing something before its own intended era is not only dangerous but it also leaves the world in a chaotic mess'. The one who said this was a participant of the Second World War.

The war which at the later stages unveiled nuclear warfare. To which even now precautions are taken. Was my way of preaching about humanity, teaching control and philosophy of life really wrong.

Just then a word flashed in my mind 'Hypocrite'. I hate to admit this, but he has stood on his end. He made the whole playing field equal. Now no matter what happens, Mutants, No ! he has started the Era of Supers.

This will make the whole world chaotic with the increasing rise of Supers. What little bit i understand of him is that he probably didn't want to deal with all the misgivings people had about us. Chalked it up to human desire and gave them what made us special.

But he won't give or take anything for free, there must be a catch to the Evolution Codex. He does after all like playing the shadows in plain sight. Sigh I have been having thoughts of retiring but this, if i am right is more than dangerous enough.

Third Person POV

An emergency council is taking place in Atillan with all the Inhumans serving as audience on the thoughts of the council members. Why are there audiences in a Royal Meeting ?.

Because there is no point in hiding this, all the world saw what Legion did. If the public cannot be assured of the result the meeting gives out, all it would do is start civil unrest.

The Royal Family is on another side and the councilmen are just beneath a step. The audience is at a raised platform higher than the councilmen bit lower than the Royals.

The silence is nerve wracking, for everyone understands that this decision will impact everyone's future. Many were not really satisfied with staying in Atillan for the rest of their lives. But they understood the repercussions, so they stayed put.

Medusa looks around with a calm look before she starts "The meeting that will decide the fates of Inhumans will now begin".

With that done, even before the audience or any other could completely sit down. A councilman shot his hand up. This may be rude on normal occasions but since the situation is dire, nobody really comments on his hasty attitude.

"Are we coming out in the open ??". This line sets off a wave of murmurs. As if he could not hear the murmurs he continues on, "The difference that made us Inhumans, will no longer be special. If what 'The Monarch' said is true, than the human governments themselves will scramble for this chance".

Everybody knows who The Monarch the man is referring to. It is acknowledged by the simple fact that he had enough power to change the tides of the whole universe singlehandedly.

Discussion is set ablaze, Medusa looks at Blackbolt. Blackbolt nods his head in a taciturn way. Medusa looks surprised but nonetheless continues "If what Legion did is completely true than we will come out in the opens. Its not like we had a choice, he did mention us. He was also here once when we were searching for the cure".

Nobody really knows what happened that day, but Medusa insisted that there was someone there that day. At first everybody thought it was someone Maximus brought. But the accused himself denied any knowledge on the man.

She continues on "Also your majesty Blackbolt feels that this is another worldwide event. It is in this era that it will be decided who can hold the reigns in the future, who will sink and who will rise". Blackbolt is a wise king, he understands that hiding right now will only lead to more misgivings.

"Also we will need a foothold for anymore interactions we do in the future. Otherwise your majesty fears that Atillan will be besieged by all others later on". This statement sets off many people, some are saying something along the lines of 'we have been ahead for centuries'.

But all is naught, when the queen says "Your majesty has decided. Monitor the world for three months, after what Legion did hiding our prowess will basically be useless. All it will do is unsettle others".

Another councilman stands up and says "I agree on the thoughts of our majesty. All of us have only advanced due to the gifts we were given. But humanity has been doing that step by step. Right now they have nuclear missiles that even our majesty won't like facing. Can we be sure that later on with 'The Monarchs' gift they won't be able to destroy us.

This silences everyone around, after all it wasn't their own genius that allowed them to create and safeguard Atillan. Only Maximus can claim to have created something worthwhile after ages.

It is true, after all Inhumans lack the drive and ambition humanity has. One man stands up, he looks like a researcher and says "Ahem actually i think that the Evolution Codex should be negotiated from others to be studied after all it is no longer science, after what it did".

And so goes on the meeting with the result being that, Atillan will come out in the open after three months of monitoring and that the Evolution Codex is a big no right now.

Prince T'chaka's POV

The whole world is a mess after what the self-acclaimed Super did. When he said that he was imparting the gift he was granted, i had thought of it as a joke.

Nothing astonishes us anymore, after all we are a nation that has been hiding the strongest metal on Earth for centuries. Our technology dwarfs the best the world can offer, all due to the unique advantages Vibranium gives us.

But even when the Evolution Codex was sent to us near the Kings table, we thought that the farce is being played on. So we suggested the monitoring of this item.

Sometime near the evening of that day Shuri my dear sister came running to me. She was excited, it surprised me since Shuri can't be excited by anything less than nanotech armor. Yes she has been working on it.

She hastily brought me and all the other tribe leaders and said something that destroyed our whole worldview. "Legion was proclaiming the truth".

She then started on her explaination excitedly as if she was high on something "The Codex is channeling a form of pure energy that recaliberates gene makeup. It may look like a small cube but the DNA sequences stored in it are vaster than this whole worlds data itself"

Another researcher then takes the lead saying "So we had ten volunteers try the cube's recaliberation and not only did they manifest powers Mutants had but the cube also projected a hologram stating their powers and DNA sequence".

Shuri continues on "It is like a bad joke to us since when we tried the DNA sequence not only was it unstable but it also became extremely destructive to the body".

So it is like a challenge to all others to try and replicate what he accomplished. A paper is then passed around stating who had awakened what kind of power. Depending on the venues set by Legion different powers were given. The main problem is all of them were random.

1. Male, selected Physical augmentation. Acquired - Titanium Skin.

2. Male, selected Psionic augmentation.

Acquired - Sensory trait of 50 meters.

3. Female, selected Ability augmentation.

Acquired - Heat control, and so on goes the list.

The randomiser is a load of crap the Legion must have thrown at us. The DNA sequence projection is merely a well hidden challenge. This changes things, even father is contemplating the next steps, when i say "Father it is time".

When he hears me he is astonished, we had discussed a topic before. The topic of coming out to the world clean and clear. His eyes wide open he asks "Aren't we being hasty".

I reply back "The mutant problem was already on the rise. After this event i fear that if we take a step back into shadows, we will dissappear forever into the shadows".

With a heavy look my father says back "I am taking off the mantle of the Black Panther". This astonishes all who attended, since father wanted me to train for a few more years to make sure of my victory.


Director Nick Fury was not happy at all. He who sacrificed years of his life to contain the threat that all kinds of supernatural created had lost all of it in the Legion event.

Suddenly a man calling himself Monarch of Supers : Legion appeared, wasting all the hardwork he did over the years. No he wasn't happy, he was murderous.

Xavier was a pain in the neck, but he was tolerable. After all Xavier did consider the whole populace of the world knowing about them as danger. Ignorant people are after all easy to influence.

But right now the whole organisation is in a very bad situation. This event could potentially dissolve SHIELD. Since we were not even able to stop this mutant from doing what he wished.

But the director said that there was always a catch when something so good was dangling right in front of their eyes.

The situation was as if the bandits that wanted to pillage the rich passerbys were suddenly gifted all the gold coins in his pocket. Which is never good, since it always ends bad for pillagers.

Nick Fury was not being paranoid but how could he tell the so joyful government of his weird yet instinctual feeling. They would chalk it up to him being paranoid.

Since they wouldn't use something they don't understand. Tests must be underway and their results the Director could guess. So Fury wanted to wait for the moment his feeling actually became true, but before that he had to solve the damn war Legion has setup.

Smaller countries would likely start a war with the resources they acquired. More hidden organisations would sprout out. As if Kunlun and The Sanctum were not enough problems on their own. But he had to wait for the oppurtune moment.

The Ancient One's POV

My future still hasn't changed at all. It is as if i was an eyesore to the one who is destroying this whole timeline. I will likely die only because it would be easier to ransack this place after that.

This makes my face twitch in anger, what is wrong with this guy. He can clearly come and discuss with me, and we can come to a deal. Let me have a favor from his side. But no this guy likes to throw whole timelines in chaos. Another could be because he considers Mordo an annoyance.

Now whenever i look at Mordo I can't help but feel irritated. Why cant this guy understand the kind of world he is living. What stupid things is he saying about balance and all. Does he consider himself as a Jedi.

David is starting to throw in free favors knowing that we will still protect the world. Like why rip off a celestials arm. Oh right he was just being a dick. Since he wanted to keep us busy, and busy we have been.

A celestials arm is no joke, just to disperse its energy is taking us years. Mostly because we have to hide the energy signature and constant influx of people wanting to steal it. Damn you David Charles Haller.

Somewhere in the Pacific, inside a huge tower equipped with the best tech and comfort one can acquire we see Legion sneezing. "Achoooo", 'Looks like people are wishing well for me'.