
Wade is trotting around happily, well we came to a deal. What you want me to employ him, get lost. The comic version of Deadpool is insane enough to destroy the minds of others by merely speaking.

I dont want him anywhere near my tower. I can't take sanity checks everyday. The deal was he wanted me to heal his ugly mug and give him a stand. Dont ask me why he wants a stand, i am not touching that topic anyday.

The stand he manifested was called Chaos Counter. It erodes everything, even the worlds fabric with every hit. After enough insanity is tallied, it can cause destruction on a galactic scale.

With Deadpool as its conduit, nope not fighting him anyday. Hey look he is trying to fawn with me. "Little Bro, you won't forget your brother will you". If i wasnt in my teenage form, i would be a bit at his height but now i am a shoulder shorter.

I am tired, can somebody help me. Right there is no one that can help me. The comic version of Deadpool did destroy a whole universe. Even though he cheated its still a considerable achievement.

He can be considered the strongest underdog in the whole Marvel multiverse. Since Deadpool isn't suffering any repurcussions, me destroying this timeline should not matter.

What of his pride, well he has none. After all he is totally insane. "That is rude you know. Talking bad about someone inside your mind". Cheh be all reality breaking as you want.

"You do know you are more OP than me. You just don't like doing things for nothing". After i gave you that stand, you can still say that. "You do know that you act like Zelretch. Sowing chaos and reaping benefits".

"So what, you do know i am very profit oriented. Even Kishur will agree that fighting like you just cause of your immortality is a bad joke at his world". Yeah Type-Moon has all kinds of Anti-weapons, even for cosmic beings. I mean Solomon had one, I am pretty sure the Throne of Heroes has more.

I then start thinking on the ability i need to create for him. Yeah right that could do the work.

( Ability Given )

Cellular Elimination - A Rank

All kinds of harmful cells are eliminated before they can even try to exist. It is a passive ability.

( Remarks : Now you can go wild with all the bad things for the body you ever wanted to do )

What the heck, who wrote that remark, and why is it in pencil colour. I look at Wade who has already started getting better. His healing is strong enough to keep him alive even after cosmic scale destruction.

But the problem is except to keep his life alive it doesn't necessarily work like Wolverines healing power, which in my opinion is odd. "Right, i dont know what the editors were thinking when they made me".

"I think they were high on drugs at that day". Wade then rants "I mean they gave me such a strong healing factor. But still flimsily gave me tumors saying it wasn't being eliminated fast enough".

"Wade in all honesty share this power with all your different versions. I know you can do that. Later on don't come saying, you are a different version of Deadpool. I am not taking excuses."

Wade looks bummed out that his plan was discovered so early. So you were thinking on that note to visit me. Get lost already, shoo. Look at this guy, hey why the heck is he so handsome.

Where the heck is that dazzling shine effect coming from anyway.

"I will always remember this, thank you little bro. Oh and always remember me". This guy did he just quote Disney. I am not bothering anymore. "Get lost already Wade".

He left teleporting, yeah he could do that. Finally i can check my progress with the destruction of this timeline. Its already sufficiently dangerous. But look at me i am throwing whatever the hell i want.

The Government has announced that the Codex is real. Hahahaha they will run out of charge soon. And when that will happen, morality will be truly tested.

Oh look Inhumans are observing the world. Wakanda is trying to decode the Codex. They have better luck terraforming Mars than decoding that item. With the standards i set to create that item. It could take a century or even a whole millenia just to decode it.

That is considering if it was Bruce Banner who was doing the job. Even in Marvel there is no item like that to exist. Even after thousands of years into the future.

Why ? I don't know, look they can create galactic level weapons and not create something that helps all others. Sure Marvel logic for you. I mean even Iron Man did not explore the possibility of robots.

Sure you can give a reason like the world isn't ready. A flimsy one but nonetheless some kind of excuse. But even thousands of years later, nobody had that idea. Come on Marvel give me some real smart people.

As i walk around i see Ash doing Jojo poses that oddly match her and bizzarely compliment her style. With her tomboyish character, she has cut her hair short, is wearing a cap, some gloves, and is that a street fighter style of dressing ?.

I didn't think that i had that many clothes in my tower. Well i did think of all the luxuries and comforts. Well i look around and see Skip trying the wall-walking exercise already. Otsutsuki level of talent for you.

But i remade his genes to give out a certain level of Chakra and slowly reach real Otsutsuki levels. Can't have my little brother waste chakra for no reason at all. I learnt that lesson from Naruto who had the Ninetails inside him.

Its been a few weeks or nearly two months after the event that i hosted. The whole world government has used all charges for the Evolution Codex. Now they are trying to find ways to contact me.

I look at them clawing at each other for more power. It makes my grin widen, first step complete. Now i have to add some fertiliser.

I open a completely private channel with my Technomancy and invite all the higher officials of the government. I set a date for everyone to be there.

All of them must have become Supers otherwise they wouldn't be panicking this much. I see a totally legit account saying 'Playboy Philantropist' and folowing that 'UMBRELLA', 'Panther Baal', 'Umbra Witch' and all sorts of accounts.

Nope not taking any chances, i will kick all these odd ones out. What do they think i am, a dum dum. After that i let the discussion set ablaze.

They are berating me, scolding me, threatening me, really they are doing all sorts of things. But only the major countries have been silent since the beginning. These countries understand the situation more than their counterpart.

I let the meeting settle down. I look around and then say "So are you all done ranting". This sets off another wave of accusations on me, but i simply smile, that sends shivers down all those present.

"Did you think i was joking when i said i was the Monarch of Supers", this finally shuts them up. They finally understand that the one talking is in a way equal to them. Bah who is equal to you, i am stronger than all of you combined.

I then start "You have seen the benefits of the Codex. So tell me how willing you are to get this power for yourself". Most of them are unnerved, it is simply by the fact that I don't really see them as threats.

"The cube stopped working after the hundredth right". All of them know that the key to the knowledge of the cube has always been held by me.

Hahahahaha i keep on laughing. "No matter what you guys say, none of you are really ready to forego the benefits it brings right. Capitalists like you wring someone dry before killing them dont you".

The major countries have been silent but India takes the stage "What you are doing is nothing more than adding fuel to the embers". I snarkily reply back "Then why did you try to douse those embers".

The Mutant problem in India is severe. Being outcasted, treated badly are but simple bullying. Ousted out by the Pujari's and then being burnt is but normal for them. What is abnormal is that not many mutants ever come from India.

The signs of a government using its power to supress all news of any major internal crisis. Japan in that aspect is much better, at the least it tries to ensure their lives. Even if it is for selfish reasons.

"I seriously dont like playing politics with you guys or anyone for the matter". This statement makes many take a breath of relief. See everyone likes to hold on to their power, it doesn't matter how they earned it.

"What you do with the knowledge i grant you is beyond me". This statement intrigues them, reeling them in unaware that they have always been in the fishermans net.

"The Codex has two ways of charging, one is when it self charges. It takes ten days for a single charge. The second one is more benefitial but really nasty". Most of the government have done their fair share of nasty works.

But let them play their game of humanitarian masks. "This is the final warning". At this many countries leave the private meeting. Nearly 1/4 of them left when i said this, of course India included.

They will be lost in the Era of Supers. They wont understand what hit them. "Since all of you are the truly decisive people. Let me tell you the second option".

"Just tell us already" replies the U.S govt. I can't leave any loose ends. "You should repeat the statement after me. 'No matter what information i have acquired from The Legion. It is by my will that i am using it'". They look astonished, why did i do this. I dont want an avenger after me. Someone with a vendetta saying this is all my fault.

Honestly they are an annoyance, those revenge minded fools. But their words carry weight to those around them. As such i am already ending a lot of problems for me.

I am sure some simple minded person will blame me for everything. That kind of person will surely exist, but by that time i wont need to protect my little slave/siblings from accusations.

Why do i bother ?, Work efficiency. Hesitation will lead to a lousy job, and if during my time of indoctrination. They hear something like this my attempt to keep them under me will fail.

Fun fact about unconditional trust. There are two ways to go about it. One is making them completely loyal at once. This has many holes people take advantage off. For one, in an event that the mind is severely disoriented. They can convince them of their brainwashing.

Second is more sinister and was once used by old empires. Train a bunch of orphans, feed them, clothe them, indoctrinate them and by the time they are older. You have the most loyal Order of Knights. Its only problem is no new ideas can be introduced during their indoctrination. Any chink in the armor and Game Over.

They are grumbling, a few of them even leave. But those who remain are also not really willing. See they always need a scape goat once things go south.

"The Codex was made to absorb Vital force from the atmosphere. Vital force is needed to stabilise the gene recaliberation. Otherwise since everyones DNA strand is different. It would have made the whole gene collapse".

Drawing in a sigh i reply "What you transform from the Codex without Vital force would be a puddle of blood at best or at worst a human whose body is breaking down at insane speeds". Many who heard this draw in deep breathes. Everyone knows why i am explaining it.

"Some of you must have tried it. Its no surprise, we are curious beings after all". Some of them look disgruntled.

"The second way is to allow the Codex to absorb Vital energy from another person. Though it will kill the person. This will give the Codex ten charges. From this moment onwards, use it as you see fit and discover the results yourself"

Saying this i shut down the private meeting and hide the data in a secure place. I don't know when it might come in handy. The future makes me shiver. Mwahahahaha