
Sigh look at you All Might, scrambling for the pitiful amount of strength that remains in your body. Now OFA reminds me of a equipment that devours other equipment to power itself up. Stockpiling power pfft thats a very bad description.

If it really was stockpiling power then it would extinguish itself at the second holder. It would never reach the seventh since it would have a limit to how much can be used and how much must be stored.

The most probable explanation is that it is a permanently stackable buff. So if Midoriya passes it on and that somebody passes it on and it goes through like Thirteen more holders what would it turn out to be.

Since it takes the peak strength of the previous user and adds it on the next one. That is why without a well built body OFA would tear it apart. Just like Midoriya Shounen.

Nezu then shouts out "Kai what are you doing".

"Don't mind me just testing out the equipment quality". Nezu is surprised at the completely casual remark. But he still takes on a grim face as he says "Begin the contingency phase. Kai you forced my hand at this".

"Nezu i think you are misunderstanding something here". Nezu thinks on what i was talking about but i may have mentioned this to you guys a few years back.

"I always know everything". Nezu has a face of disbelief but uncaringly he shouts out "Desperation phase".

At that immediately all sorts of chains and area locking quirks activate. You guys may be thinking just what is Nezu thinking.

Let me clarify his plan. It is a pet project of his : Caging Abyss. Ever since the moment he met me he has had a premonition at what i would do after my pieces have been placed completely.

So he has been going around acquiring lets say forbidden equipment and the perfect set of quirks to either disable me or exile me. It seems that he understands that i would either be caged or lost never killed though.

He has been progressing very meticulously at this project of his. Since he has seen a certain extent of my powers he has rushed forth with the sacrificial plan he had saved as a last resort.

That is bringing a SpaceTime Displacer and using it on me. His most desperate plan is to exile me not try to hold or cage me. But the problem here is i also have my own SpaceTime Equipment and its even better than his by a Ten times difference. Pathethic all my excitement vanished.

So i am unbothered by anything that he plans to throw at me. I look at All Might whose body has started wearing out. He is losing out on his Transformation.

There stands Thirteen at a corner protecting the Heroes. Look at her that inhibition makes it so that she uses her quirk to save and protect rather than fight.

Such a waste of such a powerful quirk. She goes against the nature of her own quirk. Its as if Great Red came out of nowhere and said 'Look at me i am so cute'. Yuck just the thought disgusts me.

So before anyone can blink my projections starts going static and dissappears. The Titan waiting for my orders stands still. I walk out of a corner near All Might as if i was on a morning stroll.

"How ?". Thats your question Nezu, easy answer then "Hard Light Projection from a satellite on space". Most of what i said just flies over his head.

I near All Might and he still pulls his fist shouting out "Texas Smash".

I just out maneuver him and pull his fist in, twist my body and hit him in three points pushing his body to the limit and knocking him a few meters away.

Nezu then shouts out "Stoooppp Kaaaiiii".

"Hey Nezu, mind your own business. I only want to extract the last vestiges of One For All. See i am being kind right now, don't make me extract your intelligence quirk as well". I am kind, look i am extracting it only after Midoriya got the full brunt of it.

At this Nezu is more than surprised enough since i should not have knowledge on the OFA at such a level. "Nezu i was writing books on the Gene while you were strolling around for favours and treasures".

So i extend my hand and am about to extract it from All Might. When that happens, searing heat rises in the air and flames with the heat of a sun extends towards me.

"Cheh Endeavour". But that is not the end of my surprise the Lion King, My Mother, Best Jeanist, Hawk, The Big Three, and lots of other Heroes are here.

Nezu then says "This is my true plan : Caging Abyss - Last Stand". Oye why am i being treated like a boss raid. Are you sure this setup was not for All For One.

He then proclaims "Even more Heroes are converging on this location as we speak. Very soon you will be outnumbered by the sheer number of Heroes and their quirks".

At this i laugh out loud, the whole area reverberating with the sounds of me laughing. "Its been a while since i was surprised myself. Do you know the problem of Near Omniscience is. Nothing is surprising".

"But outnumbered and me. No way am i outnumbered. By the way Hello father". He looks unhinged by the drama that has been happening here for a while and his face still had that passive look.

After my set of observations are completed Tens of Thousands of Machinery Soldiers rise from the ground. I had been creating and looting the resources of other planets while Nezu was gathering this set of Fake Justice League to fight against me the Fake Darkseid.

At first the Heroes look on the horizon extremely sure that this much must be my limit. But when the number of soldiers don't stop and keep on rising beyond the Hundred thousands towards a Millions and pretty soon reaching a Billion they are pretty much shaken and before they could even stop my advent.

There was already a gathering of a Quadrillion Machinery Soldiers all pointing their guns menacingly at the present Heroes. To accomodate that number most of the Machinery were in space but even then, a concentrated firing on this scale.

You could kiss Earth a big fat goodbye. By now Nezu has understood that i had completely gone outside of their pay grade. Not even if all the MHA Heroes banded together would they be able to defeat me.

Mirio hasn't attacked me yet since he isn't brash enough to fight a Planetary Grade Threat with only an incomplete Kamui.

So i say "You see i am not going to kill all of you. To be honest i am not someone who likes to waste resources".

"All i would do is add you guys to my set of Biological Machinery Blueprint. Tch you guys sure make me drool. By the way Mother are you happy with my strength".

Right now i was a One Man Civilisation. Only when i see Power Loader do i understand how much i had dissappointed him. It makes my heart feel guilty but that was Kai and this is me.

"Everyone is scared of me, oh come on weren't you guys outnumbering me. Lets add more soldiers". Everybody there had only one thought just how many Machinery soldiers have you created. They were already sweating like crazy and this bastard says he has more.

"Come on this is just half the total forces. I took only three years to acquire this much for this grand finale. Don't tell me everyone wants to leave this event that i organised". Don't joke with us where would we even hide. This has truly become a last stand.

"But if you leave me my family i could honestly forget everything that ever happened and you guys could continue on with your life". This is a double damage dealing decision.

If they choose to sacrifice the family then it will hurt the Hero mentality they have cultivated for so long. With this their guilt would drive them to death rather than their own incompetence.

But if they choose not to then they would have to win against me which right now looks like an extremely slim chance. Really like only 0.000008% chance and that too only if i was caught by surprise.

"Don't be so indecisive. You guys can't defeat my Machines, they are on a level beyond you. They don't tire out, even if you break them they would repair themselves, every piece of metal will become their sustenance and a new enemy for you".

These are just facts that i am stating out. You can see the unease and tension in the air, what to do and what not to do. Heroes and governments around the world are probably in panic right now since the swarm of Machinery is even visible from Mars.

I am enjoying this indecisive scene where the fates of a family lay in the hands of those present and the fates of the world lay in mine. But i don't want to waste that much time i need to add this world in my Omniversal Yggdrasil.

"Look i have lots to do and no time to spare. So decide or else my father and i will play catch and you won't like it". Most of them are surprised at what i said.

"Catch ???". What do i mean by catch.

"You see if you had read my story you would know. My scales differ from yours". As i let this sink in i say "Father Catch or else The Earth will really be extinguished".

Right at that moment the second batch of Quadrillion Machinery form the ultimate skill of every Mechanic in the novel The Legendary Mechanic. The Mechanical Deity.

As that huge structure starts forming on space Nezu starts to have an inkling on what i am about to do. He then says with his eyes widened "You wouldn't".

"Oh believe me i am about to". Nezu's face then pales and he panickingly shouts out "He plans on throwing the Moon at us".

As they are about to move against me one Machinery fires a bullet and Boom. A ten meter area is incinerated and destroyed, turned into smoldering lava. "There is a lot where that came from. Hundred times a Octillion of it".

With this they understand their helplessness at this matter. Since they are trying to move against me i push the Moon towards the Earth with my Mechanical Deity.

As soon as the Moon enters the surface of the Earth the force full entry of it displays the disparity in power.

The Moon is like a sinking ship under the Earth's gravity and the atmospheric disturbance it causes is enough to make everyone feel the amount of force with which it will fall, after all the air pressure is vastly different right now.

The ones who had been viewing this spectacle were now truly scared. I was about to make the entirety of humanity extinct. Right at that moment the Government hurriedly shouts out "We concede to your wishes Kai".

I then grinned maniacally and then the Moon stopped entering the Earths atmosphere. But i let it stay in that position with my EMF to let them know they aren't the ones to decide the terms.

"My father how i hate you. But i will still give you a chance to prove your superiority in Gene Cultivation. So i will fight you barehanded". At this my father smirks confident in his strength.

Gold Hair flutters in the wind and his Ruby eyes glaze the atmosphere and right before my eyes he morphs into the bonafide Lion King. He says "Prepare to be hunted".

But you could see the unease he felt when facing his son who could threaten the entire world. Well until he roars and goes in for the kill. He would rather take a shot at eliminating me than fight fair.