It had been too long, maybe seven months or more.
At first I felt the zeal, the excitement and found a huge appeal in hunting a dozen Hollows everyday and trying to refine them into Asauchi's.
But after the first few weeks it became pretty boring. Out of the Thousands of Hollows I had refined, everyone successfully passed the first stage.
Only at the second stage did problems start cropping up. Basically you could say there was no space to amend or input Data after the first stage, and it felt like I was cramming Data in a Storage that could barely handle more.
But luckily enough, I was able to fashion out two blades out of the Hollows.
Why would I mention these Blades, its because they are the only ones that had survived through the third stage.
Addition and Substraction.
Substraction weakens the defense of the enemies.
Very mundane Laws and very low Orders, and it felt like I had hit a bottleneck of some sort. Because no matter what I tried, I couldn't fashion out my third blade.
So I naturally changed targets, I had now started going after Gillian class Hollows, and it became very repetitive even for someone like me.
My daily routine basically constituted of sitting down and trying things out with Reishi, then hunt a few Hollows, then try making Asauchi out of them.
I was an Adjucha class Hollow and lately I was very close to Vasto Lorde.
How did I manage that ?, I ate all of my vegetables.
Literally, every piece that fails past the second stage has been consumed by me. To be fair the Hollow based Corrupt Asauchi were not enough to let me advance by even a small margin.
But nutrition as little as it was, kept on stacking, why ?. Because I wasn't a Carbon based lifeform, so I suffered no nuances of deterioration.
It was to the point that it made me feel like, given time and accumulation, any Reishi based lifeform could literally live forever.
Perhaps that is what a Soul King is, an Immortal piece of Data etched in Reishi.
Well my conjecture held truth, and who doesn't know how old Yamomoto or any Squad Zero characters are.
There is a reason the Thousand Year Blood War has the number Thousand ahead of it.
So I went on ahead with my tasks, ran across the desert and hunted down other Hollows, and nothing in particular was out of sorts.
Until a few weeks ago.
A few weeks ago, I was really tempted to hunt down Shinigami's to fashion out my Blade with.
It was a sort of obsession that I had lately been bound with. What if I could make a Corrupt Asauchi, out of one Shinigami soul.
Would it be stronger than Hollow based Shinigami's or more in tune, akeen to a Zanpakuto. It gnawed at my mind and my perfection disorder acted up.
I had to know.
But I wasn't going to jump at Danger, what if a Captain Class Shinigami was my first target.
So I kept in mind with how the events had played out in the series. Why was I mentioning this today ?.
Well I was baited, lured or whatever word you felt was right for the situation.
Hollow Bait.
Now normally, Adjucha Class and beyonds can simply ignore this delicious treat and continue on with their lives, they have the mental faculties to know that it is an elaborate trap laid by the Shinigami.
Why was I so interested ?.
It was because the moment I saw the gathering of Hollows beyond the Garganta, I saw Shinigami students, Cadets.
I saw a chance, a chance to hunt more delicate and better specimens.
I was immediately intrigued, but I laid low.
Not because I was afraid, but because I wanted to see if there were any well known characters in there.
There wasn't.
It wasn't dissapointing to say the least, but then another question crept in my mind like it does for any Mad Scientist. It tingled my brain and left me with only one sentence yet a mutitude of questions.
What is the difference of a Mob Character and a Renowned One ?.
The answer that I immediately came to was - Like every Protagonist and their entourage, Renowned Characters are better in terms of potential and overall existential level.
They shine like pearls among the finer crystals.
Finer crystals refer to Protagonists and their entourage.
Which made my mind have an even more horrifying thought. What If I Refined An Asauchi Out Of One Such Character ???.
Would it be better ?, Would it be different ?, Would it handle Data Refining more better ?, Will their Souls stand and become Hidden Baldes against me ?.
Arrrrgghhhh, it was so exhilarating.
More and more questions kept on piling above my already unanswered ones, I had to know.
It was like a perverse joke to me, a Grand question from all of my being.
If I made a Weapon out of the Chosen One, would that weapon outclass every other or simply trump them all ?.
But before that I had to experiment on the Shinigami Cadets first, normal ones.
Luckily or unluckily enough, no Known Characters were present at this group, which made me feel all the more better.
Because only after testing my theory on normal Characters could I go on to observe, experiment and charter the difference in Known Characters and them.
So I went on ahead and kidnapped Ten Shinigami Cadets.
How did I do that ?.
Very simple I hit them on pressure points any Carbon based lifeform would either get hurt or get knocked out of.
It worked like a charm. Such Stupid Souls.
There were a few who immediately died, but that's just collateral damage and the faith of all Mob Characters.
I went ahead and opened a Garganta of my own, gagged them, binded and dragged them with me. Well I got better Specimens to research on and I wasn't about to waste more time.
The first Cadet I tried it on howled and screamed like any other Hollow that goes through this process.
It was painful, why ?. Well that's because I was forcefully erasing what made you you and applying my own will on it. It had to be painful, more so when not even a flicker of their will was left.
But that is not all, they also had to go through this process two more times. My Blades thus even with their will awoken still are the most loyal to me.
His ragged screaming had woken the others, they struggled but could not get free.
When they saw the predicament their ally was in, they struggling intensified and they whined.
"Those ropes that I binded you with are made of Reishi, its a sort of Fake Zanpakuto, so quit struggling and making gagging noises".
The Process had succeeded, but it was only a third of what that Soul would still have to endure.
Seeing me apathetically continue on the anguishing process, most of the Cadets calmed down.
Some still squirmed around, hoping to escape, but with each inch further that they went, ther bindings grew equally heavier.
My gaze at them and my eyes focused on the Blade I said.
"My Blade can change into any material I want, you guys are just struggling needlessly".
They had realised this fact early on and yet some of them had continued on. The others had looked at them as if they were foolish, they could tell I was a Hollow by my mask.
But they could also tell I was an intelligent one, so why would the prey of this Intelligent Beast be left to run.
A few understood, the feel of a hunt, if we struggle it will only contribute to his amusement. It wasn't worth the effort.
But then again the Blade that I was holding cracked and broke apart. As this went by, without even flinching, I simply ate it, munched it apart and grabbed my stomach in content.
Then I went for the farthest one that had continued to squirm away. Pulled him back to the intial position and began the Process again.
The Man screamed and wailed horrifyingly, then right in front of their eyes, his body broke apart and turned into a Blade.
It was hair raisingly terrifying and the remaining eight all gulped at the scene. This was the fate that would befall them.
But I was unsatisfied and continued on applying Reishi and tempering with the Blade.
At first look the Blade was different than any other Asauchi, thats because it was a complete blades, Asauchi's aren't complete Blades. They are Blank Blades, for simplicity's sake, I was creating complete Zanpakuto's.
Zanpakuto's are the higher version of an Asauchi. The training weapon has now become a bonafide weapon, it has now turned into a Blade that can vanquish the Hollow and raise a Shinigami's prowess.
Normally it takes years to nurture an Asauchi to turn it into a qualified Zanpakuto and yet another few more to be granted a Shikai of its own. I was simply trying to skip years of progress and nurturing it, in one swift go.
The Blade wasn't meant to handle such loads, but if it was successful then their prowess would not be as simple as just gaining tremendous power. It would be borderline monstrous to wield even one such Blade.
I didn't plan to wield only one or two.
By now everyone had calmed down, but it did not help that after a while, the Blade cracked. I wasn't angry at all or threw a rantrum like one would expect.
I simply took the Broken Blade and ate it all and continued on. This was just my daily routine added by an extra ten Blades.
After the Seventh Cadet, I had successfully made the Blade, Multiplication.
The remaining Cadets disinterested me, but little success is also possible success. So I refined them as well, but they all failed.
Keeping in my mind with this experiment, I had a good amount of Data to compare a Normal Mob to a Special Character.
But as amusing as it was to hunt them and make my third Blade. I had started feeling guilt, immense guilt.
I had never left my humanity, even after I had long become something that transcended human bounds.
Morality was the only anchor to keep me within bounds of a Human mind and I rationalised to myself that.
This world is one among the infinite possibilities, on the grand scale of things me killing someone here should not matter.
But it did, it weighed me like a child minding the small mistakes he had done.
Across the infinite worlds and infinite amount of beings, this felt like a ridiculous fact. A Cosmic Being was feeling Guilt.
It was astounding not for the fact of being, but of knowing.
Morality of a Human is inapplicable for Cosmic Beings. They transcend Mortal bounds, they can't be kept in Order or restraint.
Because you have to know, I am a man who believes that if God Exists, then he would not care for what Mortals do to other Mortals, as we are told, he simply would not care.
He is a being who is all powerful and can resurrect, correct, alter any mistake he sees fit, why would a being such as this find Humans and help them, when he himself can see the Doom they bring about themselves.
Humans are dangerous, not only to the world but also to themselves.
Its an Ego, a huge Narcissistic trait to believe that in God's eyes we matter. For the truth is there is no God.
If there existed one, then he has long since forsaken us.
The guilt I felt was mild, I knew my wrongs, and I also knew my rights.
I was wrong in treating people as objects, but I was in the right because it doesn't really matter.
For every soul I kill and reforge, they are just as simple to recreate as the clapping of my hands.
It was as simple to me as talking, as breathing, as sleeping, and yet I was shackled around by Guilt.
Not because I was being a Mad Scientist, but because if I was in their shoes, I wouldn't feel good either.
This sentence made me want to fuck one universe up. It held truth, but it was also one of the greatest hypocrisy of all time.
Imagining yourself on another mans shoe.
Because when all is said and done, you aren't them and they aren't you.
I had hated myself more so because I was being edgy and angsty like Cultivators and it did not sit well with me.
Was being lonely for Four years really this bad ?. No wonder all Cultivators go Harem Hunting or Ancestor Provoking.
To be honest, just for this world, I wanted to indulge myself a little bit.