The Hollows that appeared after me were huge, to the point they dwarfed the tall buildings around them.
Not just one, but more than a group of such Hollows were walking around charging attacks, obliterating all opposition.
It may have looked like something straight out from an anime like Attack On Titan combined with Godzilla and some sort of Spiritual Zombie like being.
I am not joking, that really was how it felt like.
I mean Japan has a love for huge and monstrous beings, even more so if such beings can have special powers or if the protagonist is one.
I really don't care about any of that, but the ruckus they are causing is a pre planned one, and if they continue for a little more they will acquire the attention of every Shinigami around, bonafide ones.
Not those little children having a play date.
So I roared, it was laced with spiritual pressure and it was a low guttural one.
But even across the noisy fights and devastating points of destruction, my roar was clear cut.
More so for these Hollows, even if the bait was in front of them, they dare not fight back after hearing me roar.
They understood more than the Cadets around them, that I was not at the level that they would like to face, and I had passed my words "My Prey".
The Hollows could care less, why an Adjucha like me was around, they had become more concerned with leaving. But would I allow it, another Roar and all of them fell on their butts.
Like reprimanded dogs they stared blankly and dared not move.
The Cadets were astonished at first since the beings that had been attacking them relentlessly suddenly stopped and sat there unmoving like huge blocks of buildings.
But after their surprise ended, they immediately attacked the Hollows, only to hear chuckling sounds, before a voice echoed in their ears.
"How Human of you, normally you would think that after becoming a soul you would shed of all mortal shackles and be more.... what was the word... forget it. I don't have the time anyway".
As soon as my sentence ended all Cadets directly plunged to the ground. No Shunpo, No Hado, No Zanpakuto could stop their descent. I was simply that strong.
My Normal Pressure and Aura was already top notch because of Indomitable Will, apply that to Reishi, this was the kind of unbelievable effect you would see.
Now unleashing Reishi was the first way of warning, no notifying all Shinigami's around of my existence, but you had to remember my pinpoint and total control of my Aura and Body, so even if it looked like I had invited trouble, it only looked like I had invited trouble.
Because the Pressure they are facing is not an area wide pressure as normal Hollows would give out. Each of them is being applied pressure individually, though more harder to accomplish, but still better than the best option right now, lest I invite some Super Shinigami's for the Party.
I know Aizen and Gin would still arrive noticing some of the discrepancies, like no more sounds of battle, but by then my job would be done and I would be able to escape more easily.
I jumped from the building I stood, and I wasin front of a Normal Cadet, A Mob Character if you will, I had understimated Shinigami Biology and I was here to study a bit more about it.
So I placed my hand on his chest where his heart should lie, and his eyes moistened fearful of whatever I was about to do to him.
It was a misplaced feeling since he won't be able to know anymore than required and he really wasn't as important as he thinks his life is.
I instantly began reading, molding, comparing the data and as my eyes continued to shift I realised Shinigami's are oddly Human.
Not the Carbon but Reishi based one.
They were so Human in fact that they can give birth and even have Organ Damage and what the fuck, even a Heart Attack, and sicknesses as well.
I was dumbfounded.
Don't get me wrong, I have seen some weird and stupider shit before as well, but this was beyond my understanding.
Why make yourself a mortal when you can clearly be exempt from it with your power and be a God. Maybe someday I will understand this notion, but for now this was stupid.
Reishi was an Energy and this guys just alike parasites were leeching off of it.
But even after leeching off a Godlike Energy, more like beyond Godlike Energy, these Mortals were so unwilling to shed off their Mortal Shell. They still want to be and live like Humans.
I couldn't help it, they were shackling themselves on their own subconscious will. Because to be honest the next stage after feeding on Reishi, accordingly to evolution should have been an Energy based lifeform, something like an Elemental Being, not a Reishi based Carbon Lifeform.
My ears twitched and I looked around and spat out "Cheh I wasted a tad too much time".
For the Cadets this was like a statement from Heaven itself. The Abyss relinquishing the Souls it held captive was unheard of.
I wonder just how many of them are happy and joyous beyond reason. I only needed about three Special Characters to experiment, as for the others, my smile widened.
The more I demerit and stall Aizen the later I can fight him, and what is more demeriting than the death of an entire class of Cadets under his eyes and ears.
Before any of them could understand my laughter, I flicked my fingers twice and consecutively two shards of Rhomboid Iron Shard, which looked crude yet sharp flew out.
Two won't cut it for the amount of Cadets I have, so right before their eyes, I operated Reishi in my Blade and said "Multiply".
The order was dealt and my two Blades became four.
Four became Eight.
Eight became Sixteen.
Sixteen became Thirty Two.
By now even the naive Hinamori understood just what was about to happen, much less the Cadets who are more knowing of the wordly affairs.
"I only need Three".
This was the statement by which Gin appeared, he was the more cunning and more worrying guy from Aizens Team.
In short words he was a Foxy Good Guy.
But by the time his Blade had come to my face, the Thirty Two Blades had swerved, begun to fly to begin on their purpose, their order.
Tilting my head and walking forward a little I gave out an amused chuckle.
I simply walked away as Gin stood unable to think what next to do. Should he save the students around or try to kill me to end the onslaught of Blades revolving around the students.
Time was tight and as if agonising on something he said "Shikai Shinso, Ikorose".
The wazakashi, a short Knife like Blade shined and instantly reached me. It would kill me or anyone who faced it, if they couldn't react at light speed.
Me I could do that any day and I sighed, turning my head away, for which he aimed again, so I finally let the Hollows do some heavy work.
These guys are all Cannon Fodder anyway, doesn't matter if I send them to their deaths.
As this went on I just voiced out my concern to Gin "Look I have been saving my Third Blade for the one behind you. So quit prancing around, you're being annoying more than Dangerous".
In an instant the Hollows around me rushed him, out of them, many opened Garganta's and by the time this event came to pass all Cadets had lost their lives.
Gin was remorseful but he would not unleash his Bankai no matter what. So in his rage he waved around his sword, only to be met by a conundrum of Thirty-Two Blades which had completed their Job.
More and more Hollows poured out of the Garganta and I waited.
Until Aizen came to view and boy was he not happy with the kind of event taking place around, something that was spiralling more and more out of his control.
He looked at me and I could confidently say he was stronger than me. The problem was I was inside a Garganta and was about to leave and he would not be able to follow pursuit of me, lest I close the Garganta with him trapped inside.
As of now only Renji, Hinamori, and Izuru survived, gulping at the kind of calamity they faced and also gulping due to the relief they felt. They were simply and utterly helpless to this kind of fight, and at the level they were now, they were simply burdens.
Aizen looked at me and as he was about to unsheathe his sword, I said "Remember my self proclaimed name Yin, I will be back for my Prize".
I sounded like an arrogant Hollow who was doing this for fun. But before Aizens eyes, I left. All Thirty-Two Baldes followed suit but there was one little problem.
The Thirty-Two Blades which were retreating had suddenly converged and caged the remaining two survivors, Renji and Izuru, and were hastily going for the Garganta in which I left.
Gin became the first to use Shunpo and try to block the cage. The captives themselves were astonished at the sudden turn of events, much less their rescuers.
Aizen finally moved and leaving his Katana on his waist sheathed, he waved his hands and chanted.
"Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy! Boil forth and deny! Grow numb and flicker! Disrupt sleep! Crawling queen of iron! Eternally self-destructing doll of mud! Unite! Repulse! Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness!"
"Hado no. 90 Kurohitsugi".
My Blades had to escape the area of effect of the spell, since it had the power to distort space and time. Aizen knew that and his Kido only affected and worked as a Cage to contain my Blades and the Two Cadets in it.
But my Blades had tried to escape too late and were stuck in the Black Box like Coffin, until a low chuckle was hearda while later from the Garganta.
I was amused and I laid my intentions bare "I only used Twenty Blades for those two boys".
Only then did Gin try to find the third survivor to suddenly come to the revelation that she was already at the Garganta. He could only mouth "How ???".
A low voice echoed "Should I tell you ?".
Aizen was astonished for a second but seeing the dissappearing Hinamori before his eyes, he moved, but by then the Garganta had taken its captive and closed down.
He was a split second late at arriving to the captive, not because he couldn't save her but more specifically because he couldn't understand how his perception had failed him.
Well at least he would have Twenty of the unescaped Baldes to research on.
The problem was my Blades would dissolve if I didn't feed it Reishi after a while. Well they wouldn't know it until a few days later.
As the Garganta closed, Hinamori became more and more terrified and scared. But she thought a little more and calmed down thinking along the lines 'I wouldn't have kidnapped her if I didn't need her for something'.
I looked at her and said "My, My, I get to craft a Blade out of a top notch Shinigami after all and a Special Character of all things. Hahaha".
Her face darkened and she couldn't undertand, thus she said "What ???".
All Anime Tropes follow the rule that should a women be touhed in the chest with bare hands she would explode in power.
I was actually thinking of stabbing her heart with my hands, but then I thought, let's not take any chances.
So I held her from the neck and as her eyes started to dim due to low oxygen, stabbed her with my sword right through her heart, and began the process of Alteration of Data.
It wasn't really needed but I had to touch the Heart for a Shinigami and the Hole for the Hollow to start the process, otherwise it would be too tedious to even begin.
By the time I was done, the Blade was only half complete.
It pissed me off, how the fuck is it only half complete. With my rage the Reishi around me turned violent and storms bellowed out.
Calming down I thought and realised, 'Maybe it was because I hunted her down before she realised her full potential'.
Looks like I will have to wait for them to complete their powerups.
What an Annoyance !.