Dumb People Sure Do Exist

I was doing magic tricks using Zanpakuto's, My Swords. How did this kind of theme even happen to occur ?.

Well you see, I was just minding my own damn business and ordering food in some kind of mid range luxury restaurant.

When a child near me, who as all children do, kept staring at me curiously. Though it did nothing to me, her mother took that curious gaze as some sort of bad behaviour and began reprimanding her child.

Beautiful Gal her mother was, but forgoing the details supposedly.

As the nice guy I naturally am, I intervened, plus hearing a lady talk about me without lowering her voice was kinda rude and not to my liking.

So I asked the child "What ???".

She then giggled and said "Mister why are you wearing a Mask ?".

Certainly amused I entertained her as I exaggeratedly said "Hhhaaaahhhh".

Surprising them with my sudden voice, and carrying the looks of interest from all the customers, unhurriedly I continued on with the act.

"Child let me tell you a secret, I am a magician".

As her expressions took a sudden and very animated look, I seriously said out.

"And only special people can see this mask. So you my child are very special".

By now many were gazing towards me, amused and all sorts of kind smiles were directed towards me as I talked with the child.

The child then scoffed.

"Do you doubt me ?" I asked.

The child seriously thought for a while and said "Mom said I should not believe strangers, and that even if they say sweet things it might be a lie".

The mother's expressions was awkward, it certainly wasn't a statement meant to be applied in this situation.

So I took my slim suitcase and placed it on the table, as I offhandedly said "Then you might be surprised".

As I said that, I opened my suitcase and pulled out another suitcase right in front of their eyes.

Their expressions were worth teasing as I pulled out another suitcase and placed it above the second.

But I wasn't done as I piled another suitcase above the three. Swiftly I took the tablecloth from my table, I placed it above the three suitcases.

Right in front of the audience's eyes the tablecloth kept on slipping down. Until there were no cases but only three rings left.

"So believe me now ???".

The child had her mouth wide in astonishment.

"Close your mouth, you don't want flies getting in, now do you ?".

So I softly lifted her jaw and closed her mouth, only to look around and see others staring eyes wide.

Naturally ongoing with the act I said "Personally though I came to Japan to learn Origami".

Naturally I had to put some sort of backstory and reason for my visit.

So it did not amaze them to see me fist the rings in my palm, and see paper come about, a few dozen, a little stack.

As I did so I slipped my mind on the Cardinal Beasts and kept a look on the Shinigami.

But ongoing with the trick I said "Now among my favourites to create from Origami is the Cardinal Beasts".

By now I had taken center stage, the eye of all the gazes. Shuttling by I folded the papers in my hand and slowly gathered the children from the entire restaurant to one table.

The parents were wary, but a rational mind only asks what could a Magician even do to harm them. So they let me gather the children, no more than six as I folded literal Cardinal Beasts.

The children amazed, exclaimed in every movement of my body, whether it was me folding the paper or just juggling about items.

Children are easy to please.

"Now how many of you know the exact amount of Cardinal Beasts".

It wasn't a question, I wasn't expecting them to know much but I continued on "Anyone".

A little while later a boy said "Four".

I pointed at him and asked "What's your name ?".

The child was nervous and scared for a while.

"Go on, what is your name....".

Hastily as if out of breathe he replied "Tanaka Omahara".

Looking at him I went "Oh little Tanaka here is a brave one, so could you name a few of those beasts ?".

Going with the flow he slowly became confident and replied "Yes".

"So the first is the Azure Dragon".

In an instant a blue sheet of paper became a Chinese dragon. It wasn't a vivid or lifelike Origami but it did get the point across.

"What do you call it ?".

This time a few more children chipped in saying "Seiryuu".

Nodding my head I said "Now Seiryuu in its origin is a dragon with control over the wood, in it's origin. But I like to give it the power of the earth as it makes more sense, since Seiryuu was supposed to be a flood dragon".

No sooner than this happened the Origami paper flew circles around me, the children and the entire restaurant.

"The neeeexxxxxxt beeeeaaassssst".

Getting the cue the children merrily shouted out "Byakko".

A white piece of paper was then folded to a tiger like shape and the blue dragon came down and sat beside it.

"The white tiger in it's origin would have metal as its main element. It's kind of cool, but I like to delegate Lightning as its primary ability, the storms are just a bonus".

The Tiger did not move as everybody had expected. It made the children a bit sad.

I only mildly said "Ahhh you know cats, large or small. They are lazy as pigs, but are a bit easier to raise if you don't mind your furniture being trashed".

As if scoffing the white piece of paper just lazed about, it was like a king.

"He is a bit of a tsundere".

The children giggled.

"The next beast issssss...."

I cupped my hands on my ears and the children shouted even more loudly "Suzaku".

I folded the red paper to represent a bird like replica and it jumped and swayed, gliding about the air.

"Hmmmm Suzaku in it's Origin was fire, I still made it to have a fiery element".

Shrugging I said "Fire is cool, basic, but cool".

Seeing the fascination in their eyes I couldn't help but say "Don't play with fire okay, it may look cool but it isn't safe".

Ignoring the chuckles from the adults. I cupped my hand on my ear.

And the children shouted louder than ever "Geeennnnnbbbuu".

Under the eyes of both adults and children a black paper was folded to look like a turtle.

It moved like the others, but slowly and quietly.

"Genbu in it's Origin was supposed to be water element, thus it is his primary power".

By now I had the interest of everybody, though they didn't know why I explained what kind of power I gave these Paper Origami.

It did not matter, they were having a good time, their children were having a good time, so a bit of leniency is a given.

"Now who knows the fifth Cardinal Beast ???".

The place became quiet, hushed whispers were amok. It was the first child that said "Ooryuu !!!".


Waving my hands I created an Origami Claw.

There was no Dragon.

So the child looked at me and asked "Why is it only a claw ?".

"Well my child, let's just say making Ooryuu is far harder. I mean his elements are Space and Time, so I need to work out on the kinks of it a little bit".

The child then seriously asked "So you don't know how to fold Ooryuu ?".

A still silence enveloped the restaurant.

Nodding my head in a nonchalant manner I said "Yeah that's about it".


The entire crowd broke out into a laughing fit.

"Yeah, Yeah, laugh all you want".

Just then a waitress came towards me smiling "Ummm sir please follow me to the counter".

I did as she told, it was bout time they fed me for free. I did entertain their customers and I hear that the Japanese are very let's say kind.

She then asked me "May I know your name ?".

"Ummm NO".

She looked taken back, so I clarified "You requested me to know my name and I rejected".

Shrugging I went on "So where is the menu, might have to bankrupt you if you are giving me food in free".

"Sir may I know your name ?".

Hmmm this is troublesome.


Shocked she asked "Are you perhaps Chinese ?".


Clear and concise, I rebutted "I could be Korean.."

When a few of them turned to look towards me.

"Okay sorry, I am not Korean, I know you guys got a beef with them, but seriously. Don't be so sensitive !".

Sitting in the empty chair I said "For all you know I could be Indonesian or Malaysian, you don't know".

Though a bit ashamed the waitress continued "Sir would you please co-operate and come to the managers room, the police have a few questions to ask".

Opening my mouth wide, I sat there blankly. Then I rotated my fingers in a roundabout manner asking "So there is no free lunch".

"If you please co-operate..".

Not letting her finish I stood up and went to the managers room.

Barging in I went for the empty chair already installed for me.

"So what's going on ?".

A fair Japanese boy in blue and black tried to reply something, but I wasn't having it.

"Not you sissy, I am asking the one in charge, which is the lady beside you. Fuck you if you think I am rude".

With this sort of exchange, ending all sorts conversation in one swift go.

"A hasty man, but I suppose you don't have credentials or a Visa right".

The lady then moved and sat in the managers chair ahead of me.

Lifting her legs and placing it one above another she merely said "You know most don't think firsthand that I am a Criminal Detective or a decorated Officer, seeing me in casual clothes, makes them think that I am a civilian".

"So how did you figure me out".

I placed my hands on the table rapping my fingers, I said "The gloom of all Detectives is unbearably high on you".

Then the rapping finger stopped and I asked "So how did you even notice me, my getup, my reasons were all flawless, more so why did you think I did not have credentials or Visa".

It was the male officer this time "It does not matter if you have them, with a perfect record of 99 cases, even if 1 is but a nonsensical one she will earn her promotion to Chief Detective".

"Ahhh so it's like that, you want to frame just about anyone and complete a 100 cases".

Before the guy could reply a cold pressure nearly stopping his heart came from nowhere.

The man nearly died, but was left at a loss until he gazed in my eyes.

"Let's not make this difficult for everyone shall we ?".

The woman was the first to break all the stiff atmosphere.

"Now all I ask of you is to do a little task for me, let's just say I am in dire need of that promotion".

Folding my arms I asked "And how does that benefit me in any way"

Before the other officer was about to reply, I shut him down saying "You might wanna cut this guy down, he will be a problem no matter the deal".

"Tie up all loose ends".

Smirking she said "You don't seem afraid that I will double cross you".

For the first time I rebutted "Oh you can try, if you can bear the consequences".

Her smile became an evil smirk while the male officer nearly shat his pants in fear. He thought that his death was near.

"I like confident men, as the transaction goes you will get a certified and verified, Visa and all credentials".

Looking at her I said, "My time is precious, let's say what makes it worth me listening and spending a bit of time in jail or prison".

"Hmmm", she thought for a while.

Looking at me she calmly said "How about my heart ?".

"I am sorry ?. What did you just say ?".

I was flabbergasted.

To which she replied "Money doesn't seem to bring any worth in your eyes, as you are dressed very lavishly, and you don't seem to need authority as well, since you yourself seem like a figure with huge amounts of power".

As expected a highly decorated Detective, if it wasn't her gender, location and the time period. She could have been a great leading figure.

"And you think you are worth my time ?".

She looked at me with confidence "Isn't that why we are still negotiating ?".

Before she could continue.


I stood up from my seat, "I thought the situation would amuse me, but it seems that I was expecting too much".

She panicked, as did the officer, for he reached for his holster.

Looking lost but still cautious, she gazed at my glaring gold eyes and said "Then quote your price ?".

I turned around, "I am afraid, you won't be able to give me what I want ?".

The officer then fell down wheezing for breathe, which was so graciously stolen.

"A mere simp dares to try and voice his opinions, am I really that unimposing ?".

I walked away and it took a while for the detective to figure out that the officer beside her had simply died, with any all causes being unknown.

Cold sweat poured down her body, and she shakily called for an ambulance. While she herself held a cigarette and lit it up.

Phew, perhaps that was how she expressed the relief she felt because she hadn't been heavy handed like a dumb fool lying beside her.

"What is wrong with the world nowadays ?".