Toshiro Hitsugaya

Yin was being bashed around by Yamamoto, and Yhwach was participating, uncaring for the wounds he continued to receive from Yamomoto's Bankai.

Yamomoto's Bankai contained the glory of the sun, an entire sun given the form of a blade.

Super Condensed Heat.

Heat which has been so condensed that the user of the blade dies out before completely manifesting every aspect of it.

Zanka No Tachi can do lots of things, like raising the dead it killed before, an Armor of flames, etc. etc.

But its penultimate ability lies in the fact that a huge amount of heat has been compressed in a shockingly low amount of space. Such that it causes a singularity just due to sheer extreme heat and therefore accrues the ability to erase existence.

A feat incapable of impossibility by Physics standard or by Newton or Einstein's understanding.

But when you deal with Reishi, that's what you get, a supernatural phenomenon stretched to the extreme.

The heat is so compressed that it affects space and time simultaneously. Our hold of reality is based on these two abject laws and that's where things get woozy for Yin.

Yin is an avatar of David, a 4th dimensional being nearing the 5th dimension. So laws of reality are as loose as they can be on an Omnipotent being toying in the 3rd dimension.

So no matter how much heat his blade produces and no matter how many times he slashes apart Yin, even if his heat shreds Yin down to the last atom.

It wouldn't matter.

Yin like a save file, can reform, be reborn, regenerate, reach peak condition and continue on this meaningless fight, forever and ever until the end of time.

But the same cannot be said for Yamamoto.

Though he has the strength to destroy continents, set the world ablaze, yada yada, he cannot do so forever. He also tires, though his endurance is countless times higher than that of normal humans, he still has a definite limit.

One in which Yin practically holds the advantage.

David finally understood what it felt like for Darkseid, and he now had a truly profound respect for the madness of Darkseid.

To win is easy, to compete and have fun, not so much.

To destroy is but a thought, to toy around while staying level, impeccably hard.

It's like trying to stand on an egg with the weight of a dwarf star without crushing it.

Yamamoto may continue the fight together with Yhwach but even then, it will end up meaningless.

But then again Reishi exists in the equation and things get hard to follow or ascertain.

David may be nearing 5D but Reishi is unique, just like the Speed Force. How you make of that is anybody's guess but know that even with Omega Force, Darkseid never messed with the Speed Force.

He may have acquired it once or twice but never did he put a hold on it. Intermittently, describing vaguely, the understanding of the dangers attributed to holding another beings source of power, especially one from a higher state of existence.

But David's avatar Yin was a being of Reishi and unlike a fully functional being like others, as is for most of Darkseid's avatars, Yin to David is more like a high premium suit.

One to wear on occasions to amuse himself. But definitely not one to live in.

Though Yin has a fragment of David's Soul that is all he had, and by David's standards that is far more easily replenishable than water.

That's why Yin still shares the weakness of a 3D being and has to build his strength up from the ground.

After all being able to interact is half the fun of an RPG, the other half is devastating the game world, but you get the gist of it.

It's the negligence David shows on what he believes to be expendable.

You can't truly interact if you can't even share a weakness and that's what causes the problem of Reishi in the equation.

If Ichigo can put his all to a final slash and achieve Tensa Zangetsu, then who is to say that Yamamoto can't do the same as well.

With a little push from a certain someone with certain conditions, each one of the people in the battlefield can achieve Bankai or one final hit on Yin.

This has yet to dawn on David as he is busy rewriting the entire world. Recording it by breaking it down to the last atom.

Also his Bleach Verse knowledge is crappy at best, he only chose this world because he wanted to kill the protagonist early and see the shift in fate.

It worked and he nearly became a Tragical Type Protagonist, which then prompted him to angrily start destroying the world.

Anger did not cloud Yin but as if clogs in the gear, his actions from earlier to date had barely but certainly accrued the conditions for others to awaken.

For the first time David was no longer a Hero or an Anti-Hero. From the point he touched Hinamori, at least for the Bleach Verse, he was a Villain, through and through.

Fate played its part, if Yin has refused to be the Hero, then he has to be the Demon Lord.

The shift in the laws of Fate was even more clear to David. He had after all achieved a lot with his power. The Fate Algorithm, running at full drive, calculating infinitely and hiding the user shrewdly.

Perhaps that is why Fate never accounted for the Demon Lord of the story winning.

Reishi has been in the Bleach Verse for as long as, maybe its creation.

The inhabitants of Bleach have thrived on Reishi and would have continued even more extreme metaphysical possibilities such as the completed Hogyoku.

Though horrific in potential, Reishi still demanded or rather needed a conduit to achieve all it can and has in the physical plane.

Reishi in that sense was like the Speed Force, use it however you like and nobody would bother you.

With the addition of the Zanpakuto, things became harder to discuss.

Each Zanpakuto represents their owner in the truest sense and each of them also shows the hold of Reishi in this reality.

Shikai being what the owner began with, what they were at the beginning.

Bankai being what the owner had achieved by growing, character growth in short.

Yamamoto's Shikai Ryujin Jakka showcased his strength and explosive warmonger-like nature. He was once the most feared Shinigami during the War between Quincy and Shinigami.

Then he achieved control over his emotions and instinct by training over a period of many centuries of peace, thus achieving the Bankai Zanka No Tachi. Which as is showcased absorbs all the flames of Ryujin Jakka.

Now if everybody still had the same Bankai's and Shikai, there would be no problem for Yin. Others can only be empowered a bit and that alone can never give an edge against him and others are entirely useless against him.

But during his course of stay and study, Yin had played around and he sowed the seed for the most disgusting Zanpakuto ever.

Given time Yin might have faced a formidable foe.

Given the time that is.

Time is for certain what Toshiro lacked the most.

Toshiro Hitsugaya given the time would have achieved a Bankai and Shikai vastly different from his original counterpart.

A disgustingly powerful Bankai that would be heavily relied upon against Yin.

Toshiro should have achieved Hyorinmaru in the future but with Yin's action of killing most of the Hinamori batch, he had chained a reaction that became a far stronger emotional event in Toshiro's life than a one sided love.

Toshiro at first hearing the news had denied the reality of the situation. And for quite a while after that he was unable to ascertain how he had lived.

He moved and moved, he wished but did not kill himself and he lacked even the goal to continue his life aside from the thought of revenge.

But before he could even move from the Denial Phase, life had already set the Reality Check in motion.

He had survived Yin flipping the entire universe and somehow made it with his Asauchi to the final battleground.

Before he could accept the Reality in his own terms, reality had hammered him down and made him forcibly accept what was happening around himself.

Toshiro looked upon the dazzling fight, between Yamamoto, Yhwach and Yin.

Their strikes bellowing the winds to a hurricane like storm before another strike at each other suppresses those calamitous winds.

Their casual misses disrupting and fracturing the space around and Yin continuously reforming, fighting on equal grounds with two of the strongest men in the world.

Toshiro's mind fractured and so did his Asauchi.

The Soul King had waited for this moment throughout the entire fight.

The moment when Toshiro's mind broke, it was then that the Soul King intervened repaired his Asauchi and gave the fragile Toshiro a push.

He would have loved to continue to push and force out a perfect Bankai.

But David had discovered him.

Yin's purple eyes focused on empty space mid-fight and behind his purple eyes across the cosmos, two eyes, eyes as deep and dark as the abyss, focused on the pages of fights.

The eyes may look normal from afar but they contained the entire cosmos in it.

David gazed, surprise marring his face.

"He hid from me ??? How ???"

Thought David as he flipped through his Eldritch Mind. Learning of the simple and short answer he shrugged.

"Reishi, that's how"

David looked at the Reishi his avatar Yin was composed of. It represented an unseen variable in his eyes.

It could probably force a fight out of his avatar and maybe make him move a hand, but without being able to calculate Reishi's extreme and infinite possible changes, he was left in the dark as to what it would manifest.

Toshiro knew that the surge in his Reaitsu and the screams in his mind, the pulsing change in his Asauchi, this was his chance.

He knew that the moment he called the name of his blade was the moment he sacrificed his Shikai, his Bankai, himself, Others and all his potential for a momentary power gain.

That was the restriction on him, no power comes without a cost.

Foot the bill or burn a hill.

'Say My Name...'

The voice, deep and ever changing echoing throughout the entire world.

David was surprised when he heard the faint whisper, that travelled across this universe. He could not gain the name, but he understood a challenge had arrived, and his smile widened.

'Well I was asked to deliver', he mused.

Yin immediately focused on Toshiro who had begun blinking, in and out, statically from space and time, pulsing across the three realms. Still casually defending himself from Yamamoto and Yhwach.

Toshiro though was still a newbie Shinigamj and did not have the required Reishi to call the name, to make it exist, a weakness that was immediately culled by the Soul King.

Even if the Soul King bet himself and the entire existence of Squad Zero, Toshiro would still not be able to manifest the blade. So he came to a decision that would allow him to at least shock David once more.

Ichibe looked at his ever weakening reserves of Reishi and his Squad members fazing through existence and asked the question that plagued his mind.

"Is this the best we can do ?"

To which the Soul King calmly said.

"No... But this will at least allow us a hit".

Incredibly surprised Ichibe looked towards the Soul King incredulously and vanished.

The moment he did, in the battlefield that had yet to take a span of 10 or 12 seconds.

Soi Fon, Byakuya, Unohana, Urahara and Kenpachi the remaining mob Shinigami began fazing. They knew or at least understood what was to happen.

They looked towards Toshiro conveying through their eyes and smiles, 'It's not your fault' and then simply vanished.

Looking at the scene happening Yhwach laughed boisterously at the hypocrisy and he laughed even more mid fight when he felt the Soul King's presence disappear, before being whacked across the battlefield.

Laying on a crater made by his own body, bleeding, sweating and burning out of energy. Yhwach simply laughed even louder than before as he said.

"A fighting chance, this is our fighting chance"

Toshiro could not even feel sadness anymore, he simply discarded all of his emotions, opting for Rage.

'My Naammmeee...'

Screamed his Asauchi, to which he shouted together in tandem.
