You were a fool. You knew it would happen sooner or later.
Yet, you continued your unhealthy little routine without worrying about the consequences.
You had no consideration for all the families you had broken.
All you were interested in was feeling something new, forgetting your own pain that was eating you everyday.
With difficulty you opened your eyes to see that you were in a dark forest. You put your hand on your head, moaning in pain as you remembered what had happened.
Your "boss" had managed to find out that you were the orchestrator of the death of several of his employees, and so this dirty wolf and his pack hounded you, they managed to kill you with a bullet in the head after torturing and humiliating you.
"What a bunch of sons of a bitches..." you grumbled as you remembered every detail of your death.
With a little hesitation you touched the back of your head but strangely, you did not feel anything. No blood, no hole, nothing.
You frowned, you didn't understand and you looked at your hand. Fear invaded your body when you saw that your (S / C) skin had taken on a pale hue. Your nails were black, very long and more than sharp.
"What's going on?" you said to your mind.
It was very hard to get yourself up at the beginning. Moreover you were still confused about the changes in your body, you were also wondering why you were... "still alive".
"I should have died," you said aloud.
You raised your head and your eyes widened when you saw the color of the sky. Red.
Your mouth dropped slightly, and, gradually, you began to understand where you were. You clenched your fists and looked around.
Through the trees, you could see what looked like a city. Your expression was slightly hardened and you went to see it with suspicion.
During your short journey to civilization, you again looked at the sky and noticed that a pentagram was replacing the sun.
That's when your fears were confirmed. You were in hell. It was unmistakable.
A mocking smile was drawn on your lips, you preferred to laugh at this horrible reality.
"Obviously," you said.
You could not even touch the gates of paradise. Your soul was dirty and irrecoverable. You knew it. You were death itself. How many people died because of you? Elderly, mothers and fathers, children... innocents... You even killed rots like drug addicts and mafia members. Your own partners...
You stopped counting the number of crimes you committed a long time ago.
You came to a stage where you could not tell the difference between right and wrong, or rather... you did not want to see it anymore, it was just you, the judge of the whole world, (Y / N) (L / N).
Every person you met was an enemy to you. A vermin that you had to get rid of. It had become your job, your "horrible routine", your "hobby" in order to feel something other than the void that devoured you from within.
Life had always been a bitch to you. So much so that you no longer knew what the definition of "happiness", "compassion", or even "empathy" was.
Arriving in the city you could see several creatures. Each could give you chills down your back. Some of them looked like deformed beings, others had pretty much a humanoid appearance.
You hid in a street. And you searched your pockets to see if you did not have a weapon.
Unfortunately your gun, your phone and your knife did not follow you to hell.
You also noticed that you wore a t-shirt and white shorts. For your shoes, they were small black boots, nothing unusual.
You grumbled at this realization. You were in hell, shit! You knew you were not safe here. You needed a weapon!
You carefully watched the demons that you could see. Some talked about their past lives and how they tortured, raped or killed their victims.
The murder stories did not really affect you, nevertheless hearing about rape was not what made you "calm and serene". No, it made you want to slit their throats with a simple stab. Fortunately for them, you didn't have any knife that you could use against them.
After a while you realized one thing.
Wait. If these creatures were once human, you must also.. Oh dear god, your face! You had to see your face!
You came out of your hiding place, making yourself as discreet as possible. You walked a little while looking for a mirror, and then you saw a car. You stopped and looked at yourself in the wing mirror.
Your heart missed a beat when you saw yourself.
"M... my hair..." you whispered, touching it.
The beautiful (H / C) of your hair had turned to pure white. Your eyes had kept their (E / C) color, however the white part of your eye had turned slightly yellow.
Finally you could see that your ears had become that of a wolf. Not to mention your teeth. They were very clear, but they also looked very sharp, a bite from your end could be enough to tear the arm off an individual.
"Holy shit..." you whispered.
You were a kind of white wolf from what you could see. Your hands clenched as you backed off slightly. To a certain extent, despite your thinness, your teeth, your ears and your skin, you seemed almost "human". It could have been worse. You feel almost relieved in a way. It was then that you felt something that touched your back. You stiffened in surprise, and you looked over your shoulders to discover a majestic white tail.
Ok, the tail had to be added to the list of things that take you away from a human appearance.
You growled slightly, then walked without knowing where you were going.
When you passed by shops' windows you could see your reflection. That made you slightly pissed off. You did not want to be a wolf. Even a lizard would have been more suitable. But what do you want? Hell is not a place where you are supposed to be satisfied with what you have. You were not a deformed monster... it was good news for you, even if you had the appearance of what repulsed you the most. On one side being a wolf could give you a lot of benefits.
You stopped when you heard the howling of a demon who was being beaten up.
The poor man was bleeding and was exhausted. Above him, two dog-like demons looked at him with a mocking smile.
"Please!" he shouted, "Give me more time, I beg you!"
"We've already gave you another week, buddy. You have to pay now!"
You frowned then you lowered your head, preparing to leave. This dialogue reminded you of too many things. You continued to walk without turning around, and after a couple of minutes, your ears heard that poor man being torn to pieces. You sighed. That kind of act should not be rare here... You had to find a weapon quickly.
You arrived in a park with several dead trees. There was even a playground for the kids. You tilted your head to the side. Were there children in hell? You thought about it, and your eyes showed a sad expression on your face when you thought of some teens you saw on TV.
You yourself were not a very good example of mercy in your youth after all...
The sight of this swing has given you a little pinch in the heart.
You touched your belly unconsciously, then you discovered you had the urge to cry.
Realizing that you were about to appear weak you shook your head and slapped your cheeks lightly.
"Do not look weak," you repeated in your mind.
You got up and suddenly you heard screams.
Alerted by this word you decided to go see what was happening. You ran to the exit of the park and you studied the alley in which you had arrived. Several inhabitants ran and screamed in panic.
You turned your head to the source of all this hustle and you saw creatures looking like angels. You could say that because they had a kind of white halo above their head.
You hated to admit it but they scared you. You did not like their sadistic smile.
Unfortunately for you one of them turned in your direction and noticed you.
Almost instantaneously, you moved from your original position, avoiding being skewered by a spear.
Here was your weapon.
You caught the spear and you prepared yourself for battle. A horrible smile stretched your lips up, and your eyes widened in the face of the excitement of a brand new fight.
Of course you were terrified of dying again, however you were determined to not show any sign of fear to your opponents.
You were (Y / N) (L / N) and you were determined to make it known, both in hell and in heaven.
"Come on and let me show you how God is a stupid being who does not care about others," you provoked.
At this the Angel groaned and threw himself upon you. He made a knife appear in his hand and attacked you, you dodged his attack by doing a series of backflips.
"Oh please, this is so predictable."
In response, two other Angels entered the fight. You shrugged, though that didn't help your business.
Definitely, you really had to learn how to control your viperine tongue sometimes.
You cracked the bones of your neck and waited for a movement on their part in order to prepare a counterattack.
The angels circled you and attacked you at the same time.
You used the spear that you had stolen to propel you through the air and avoid a fatal blow.
You fell behind an angel and without hesitation you skewered it with your spear, winning a shout from him.
You removed your weapon from his body and noticed that several demons had hidden in order to watch the scene. Many had admiring looks on their faces, but were also fearful.
You ignored them. No time to savor your victory.
While an angel was trying to help the one you had mortally wounded, the third one attacked you with anger. You dodged it without much effort and laughed at its actions.
"Hey buddy. I thought wrath was a sin?"
Bad idea. The angel caught you and stabbed you in the leg. You screamed in pain, catching your bruised leg. You preferred to run away from the angel as soon as possible. You raised your hand in front of your face to see your own blood.
"Well done..." you said painfully.
You watched the angel angrily as he was about to attack.
Hatred spread in your mind like wildfire, and suddenly you felt your body change.
Your vision slowly became red and, instinctively, you got on all fours.
Your jaw was enlarged and gradually, your body became the one of a magnificent white wolf.
Shortly after your transformation, a powerful animal's roar came out from your mouth. The angel moved back with a step, completely intimidated by your roar; indeed it released so much power and will that it would manage to make the most powerful rulers of hell shiver.
His colleague, who couldn't save the angel you had wounded, signalled him to leave.
"They want to flee?" you asked in your mind.
No fucking way. These bastards hurt you, they had to pay.
You attacked them at high speed. An angel pierced you with a spear but you ignored the pain and you pressed him to the ground. As the unfortunate angel struggled, you shredded him with your claws and teeth before turning to the last angel.
He had lost his smile and seemed to be paralyzed.
You wanted to make a sarcastic remark, but instead, a terrifying grunt came out of your mouth.
The angel was firmly clutching his weapon. He could not beat you. He knew it. He spread his wings and flew into the air. Seeing this, you pursued him.
You jumped on the wall that bordered the park, and with all the strength you could put in your paws, despite the pain that emanated from one of them, you jumped on the angel who did not expect such an action on your part, especially with an injured paw.
You caught one of his wings, dragged him into your fall, and as soon as you touched the ground, you immobilized the angel with one of your paws.
In a sudden movement you snatched his wings with your jaw, winning a horrible yell from him. He struggled and squirmed in the martyrdom you were putting him through. It just widened your smile.
You resumed your normal appearance before telling him the last words he was going to hear.
"You see? God didn't come to save you. He abandoned you."
And without hesitation you skewered him with the spear you had stolen.
As soon as he stopped moving you saw demons giving you grateful faces, others preferred to run away. You looked at them coldly and you turned on your heels.
You did not want to stay here for any longer. Your leg hurt you terribly and you were just exhausted and out of strength. You were not at all used to your new powers and your wolf form.
You picked up a knife from the corpse of one of the angels, and you used the spear as a 3rd leg to help you to walk.
Your clothes were a bloody mess, just like your hair and your mouth. You absolutely needed a place to clean and heal your wound.
You walked to the center of the city and you saw a kind of pharmacy. Holy shit, luck smiled upon you. You accelerated your steps, went inside, took everything you needed… and realized something very important...
How would you pay? You didn't have a single penny on you. You sighed and with the little energy you had you ran outside.
"FUCKING BITCH! THIEF! GET BACK HERE!" yelled a cashier.
You ignored him, you were to busy finding a place where you could heal yourself peacefully. You randomly took several streets, trying to maintain the pace of your stride despite your leg in agony.
You continued running for several minutes. After a while you finally found a place occupied by a radio tower.
You have looked up at this imposing structure. A powerful energy escaped from it, it oppressed and gave you a strange feeling of insecurity.
You looked around, and saw houses that were mostly barricaded, others were abandoned.
It immediately alerted you, and you immediately felt in danger. Your white ears were constantly looking for a suspicious noise. Your eyes studied every corner of streets. You knew something was wrong with this place.
The atmosphere of this neighbourhood reminded you of the one in you own district when you were alive.
Someone was sowing terror here and that someone was feared enough to force people to barricade themselves in.
He certainly should not be alone.
You walked cautiously towards a home, knocked at the door, and prepared to attack if something went wrong.
A strange bird man opened the door to you with suspicion.
"You are?"
"New in hell," you said.
"I'd like to stop at your house just for healing myself," you calmly explain by pointing to your leg.
The man studied you a moment, then began to close the door.
"Go away!"
You immediately block the door with your foot and you took your knife.
"Listen buddy. I don't think that you want to die a second time so... Let. Me. In. I won't stay more than 2 hours, I promise."
The man groaned. He knew that he couldn't beat you...
"You have an hour and a half."
"Very well."
He sighed and let you in reluctantly.