Chapter 3: The threat of the White Wolf


You followed this fish to the billiard table. Your hands were neatly stored in your pockets, and your gait quite casual.

Let's be honest. You bet because you saw that he could bet large sums of money. The quality of his clothes was the proof itself, moreover, he had a tooth and accessories in gold.

There was enough to make a little money, no matter the final result.


"My name is Krauser by the way."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Krauser," you answered without saying your name.

"Come on baby, When I win it will be necessary for me to know your name."

"Mmmh, don't be too impatient, We didn't start our game yet~" you said in a seductive voice while you noticed that several people were starting to look at you with interest.

"As you wish doll~" the shark said with a chuckle.


You started playing.

At first you deliberately let this swine take the lead in order to make the game last.


"Looks like I have made a pretty good start, don't you think?"

"It will not last, believe me," you answered with confidence.


Suddenly you started to feel weird.

Your stomach hurt you. Maybe you were hungry? Yes, it was definitely that...

You were as hungry as a wolf.

You watched the shark in front of you, and your stomach gave a groan that was lost in the bar's noise.

You looked away for a moment and focused on the game again.


"So tell me doll, how did a lovely wolf like you end up here?"

"I was killed," you said coldly, starting to play seriously.


"A bullet in the head after being tortured."

"Oh, and what did you do to get to hell?"

"Mmmmh, it's my little secret." You avoided his question with a teasing tone. "And what about you?"

"Well, I ripped off a lot of people by giving them loans that were not reimbursable. After that I had free labor for my companies."

"Well, a businessman."

"You can say that, doll," he said with a smile.

"You remind me of my boss," you laughed as you got rid of your last ball.

"Really?" he said in a slightly angry tone.


He had noticed that you were close to victory and didn't appreciate it at all.

"Indeed, he was rich and powerful, he had no qualms about using others. He was a real shark in business to be honest. Nevertheless, I doubt that he will be as powerful as you if he ever falls to hell. "


He was going to answer you, but he was interrupted by the voice of a woman.

You turned towards the voice and, on the stage, you saw a pretty short and chubby woman. Her skin was very pale, she also had short blond hair. Her irises were an aggressive pink color and the white part of her eyes were black. Her head was adorned with a pink feather and she was dressed in a beautiful little pink dress from the inter-war period.


"Ah, it's Mimzy, a singer. She's pretty well known because of her club," Krauser said. "She was invited to sing here today."

"I see," you answered with a smile. She looked nice. But you did not have time to get interested in her. "Shall we continue?"

"Our little white wolf is in rush?"

"Oh yes~"


You kept playing until you asked.


"So what did you want to tell me earlier?"

"I wanted to say that I had some territories not far from here, of course it has nothing to do with the Radio Demon's empire but it's better than nothing."


His words made you smile. It was something very interesting to know. You gave him an interested look, whereas your hunger come back.


"I agree with you," you said while potting the black ball in a hole, winning the match.

"Looks like I won," you declared. "I think you owe me my 800 bucks," You added with a mean smile.

"It's true doll, however not before you gave me what belongs to me."


Before you can answer him, a brute grabbed you and put you on the billiard table.

You were too surprised at how quickly he did this to do anything.

Was he going to rape you here? In front of everyone?


"HEY, STOP!" you screamed.

"Don't worry it will not be long," the shark said, taking a syringe out of his pocket.


Your (E / C) eyes widened at the sight of the object. You struggled as best as you could but several demons kept you firmly in place.


You were too greedy, you should have been less confident and more on your guard...


"Not again..." you say in your mind.


Some of your abusers took the opportunity to touch you. Every pressure on your body filled you with hate and disgust, horrible painful memories erupting in your head. You could remember their smell, the sound of your clothes tearing slowly, feeling your skin hurt by their nails and knives. It was a stifling torture!

A fear and an elusive hatred gripped you at the idea that it would happen again. No matter how much you screamed no one came to your rescue. A weight was forming in your stomach as you struggled with force.

You let out a cry of rage and hate so powerful that certainly half of hell heard you.

It was so powerful that the demons who held you dropped you in order to cover their ears.

Mimzy stopped singing, the music was turned off and everyone was watching you.


You grabbed your head and you slowly began to fall into a state of trance. Your eyes became completely red, and a fixed grin was formed on your mouth.


"Not this time," you say calmly and emotionlessly.


You cracked your neck from right to left and you get up.

It was time to let the wolf into the sheepfold.

You took your knife and threw yourself on the brute who had attacked you.


He didn't have the time to react before you cut his throat. Then you killed Krauser's bodyguards without any difficulty before donning your White Wolf appearance.

The shark prepared to attack but you didn't give him any chance. You pushed him into the crowd before eating him alive, tearing his skin with ferocity.

The shark's blood spurted from all sides, spotting your beautiful white fur and all the people around you.

An animal grunt came out of your maw, and without the slightest hint of remorse you killed as many demons as you could, leaving behind you a room covered with red, corpses and debris. The billiard tables were destroyed, the chairs and tables were broken, the bar was ransacked and the arcade machines demolished.

You didn't care who you had under your jaw.

It was time for Hell to know who you were and be afraid of you.

You have resumed your normal appearance and admired your work.


That was what you really were.


You noticed that a demon was desperately trying to get himself up despite the fact that you had separated his body from his legs. You made your way towards him and you crushed his head with your foot.


"Welcome to hell," you said before turning to the stage to look at Mimzy. Her right leg and her arms were injured because of your attack.


You approached her with a neutral expression and stood at her feet.

The poor woman trembled with fear but she remained strong.


"Don-... don't get any closer!"


You ignored her words and caught her by the throat.


"Listen to me. You will say exactly what happened here to as many people as possible. Tell them that Krauser's land is in MY possession and that if anyone tries to take it away from me, I will kill them slowly and painfully. I will make sure that they wished their mother never gave birth to them. Capish?"


The woman nodded with fear.

In response you threw her into the rubble. You took as much money as you could and you left without saying a word.


"I have to be more careful in the future," you said to yourself, looking at Krauser's wallet. You had been lucky on this one, if he had been stronger than you, you would certainly needed to fuck the son of a bitch.

You quickly forgot this thought by looking for the address of this shark in his papers.

You went to his flat and went inside. You were very careful that there was nobody inside, and you had a great sense of relief when you saw that this luxurious flat was empty.

You threw this fool's old stuff away, and replaced it with yours.

The apartment was very beautiful. This shark didn't joke when he said he was wealthy.

Of course, it took you a few days to convert and transform it to your personal taste, but at the end you had a nice flat with a large living room, a dining room, a very well equipped kitchen, a beautiful spacious room and a perfectly functional functional. Everything to have a good life in hell. You also went shopping to change your wardrobe.

Now that you had territories, demons came to do business with you. It was like you were living your life again, except for the fact that you were your own boss this time.

You started pocketing a nice amount of money with your services. You could easily pay your rent without fearing the end of the month, plus your "odd jobs" were also a way to learn how to use your powers, and a way to make you known in Hell.

You were now feared and respected. Very few people dared to get in your way and not anyone wanted to talk to you (except for business).

You liked this loneliness. You did not like being attached to living beings. It was too painful for you. Life had taught you that at a moment everything could be snatched from you without you being able to do anything.


"Well ... Hell may not be so bad," you said while watching TV.


They had talked about you a few times on 666 news, warning the sinners against your power.

You looked at your watch, and noticed that you had time to go out to "have fun".

You put black pants, black shoes, and your (F / C) tank top on. Finally you decided to wear a little jacket, and took a bag with a knife to defend yourself.

You came out of your house with a smile and went to the center of Pentagram City.

On the way, a lot of demons looked at you with terrified expressions on their face and quickly crossed the street.

You snickered at the sight of their behavior, however you were on your guard.

One day, some demons had attacked you to recover your territory. You got rid of them easily however you knew you were not safe from a powerful and feared opponent...


Like him…


You arrived near a bar and noticed a poster that stood out from the others.

You examined it with curiosity.

A man was drawn on it. He was excessively thin and wore a very not "friendly" smile.

The words "beware of him, the radio demon" were written there.


You leaned your head to the right, and raised an eyebrow. You now had an idea about the appearance of this dreaded demon.

You laughed when you noticed he looked like a deer. Was it a sign? Were you destined to eliminate him? After all, wolves hunted deer, didn't they? You shrugged and tore the poster off the wall without much remorse. You settled at the bar and ordered your favorite drink.

While you were drinking a few sips of your drink, you listened to the bar's conversations. Many of them were about you.


"Hey, it's the White Wolf," whispered one of them.

"The White Wolf? Do you mean the maniac who is responsible for several massacres some time ago?"


Your ears tensed when the word "Maniac" was said.


"Shhh!" the first one hissed. "She could hear you."


You snickered quietly when you felt the fear in the first demon's voice. You continued listening with a mocking smile, while playing with your drink.


"Come on dude! It's not been even 3 weeks since that girl arrived. Maybe it's easier for her to use her powers, but put her in front of the Radio Demon for 5 minutes, shit! She will be erased in less than 10 seconds."


Okay, it was getting hurtful.


"I heard that he was very angry about what she did at the bar the last time."


Interesting... you managed to get the demon's attention on you. You had to be careful, it wasn't good news. You didn't want to face a surprise attack or something like that.


"Oh?" asked the second demon. "So why he didn't kill her already?"

"I do not know, these are just rumors."


You heard a little contact noise, one of the two demons had certainly put his cup or his glass on the table.


"If you want my opinion, it would be good for him to get rid of her quickly," declared the first demon. "Who knows what she will be able to do if one day she knows how to use all her powers?"

"Wow man, we're talking about the Radio Demon, not a low-end demon. He knocked down extremely powerful lords in Hell, and YOU think that a poor bitch like her could beat him? Seriously, open your eyes for 5 sec-"


He interrupted himself when he heard your glass break under the pressure of your hand. The word "bitch" was too much for you. How dare he?


An animal grunt came out of your throat as you slowly turned to the demon group.


"Oh shiiiiiiit.... Why couldn't you just shut your damn mouth Clark?!" the first man shouted as he ran away.


"Hey, wait for me, Henry! "


You caught the second demon and impaled one of his hands on the table with your knife, winning a scream from him.


"I didn't hear correctly. Who out of me and the Radio Demon is a bitch, you little piece of shit?" you asked him darkly, tightening your grip on him by planting your nails in his skin.

He didn't answer you because he was completely terrified.


"I-I- I'm sorry!" He cried.


In response you pushed your knife into his hand.


"You should be..."

"ARGH, please! Forgive me! Please! Please! I'm begging you!"


You pulled out your knife from his hand and you crushed his wrist with such force that it did not look like anything anymore.


"I don't want to see your dirty face ever again, otherwise I can promise you it will not just be a hand that you lose."


You came out of the bar, pushing the demons out of your way. What a jackass!

You looked at your hands angrily. You wanted this fucking Radio Demon's head so badly, just to be able to expose it in front of your home and thus make all these stupid debates on you and this demon stop. However, on the other hand, that son of a bitch was right. This guy was here much longer than you.

Facing up to him now would certainly be suicide. Nevertheless, there was one thing you were sure of: This deer would be an excellent meal for the wolf you had become.


