Chapter 29: Unforeseen.


Nope. Non. Não. Nie. Nein. Нет. Nada ! Nothing !

Nothing happened, it was just a bad fucking dream and you were about to wake up. Yes, you would quietly wake up in your bed and forget this awful nightmare. Yes, that's it! Nothing happened, you didn't do anything, in fact? you didn't even see the fucking deer all day since you were just having the most sordid dream of your afterlife.


That's what you said to yourself all the way to your apartment in the hope that it would reassure you.

All the demons were pretty much baffled by the fact that you were whispering to yourself. Many wondered what had happened to you because no one saw you that "disturbed.". None of them had dared to talk to you, there was a horrible electric feeling in the air and many demons felt that you could explode at any moment. So it was best for them to just let you go without too much fuss.

After 2 endless hours of walking, you finally recognized a street leading into your territory. With the grace of a zombie in need of energy, you entered your building and walked up the stairs with an empty look.

As soon as you recognized the door of your apartment your eyes glowed with desperate relief. You hurriedly took out your keys and you quickly opened your door before slammed it behind you.

Your back stuck to it for a few moments while you looked at the floor with an empty look. You felt your nerves letting go through the uncontrollable tremors of your exhausted body.

Your glassy eyes stared at your hands in distress. Unconstitutionally, you moved your right hand to your lips.

What had you done?

You lowered your head as your tremors intensified.

This was not normal! It wasn't worthy of you! It was... it was...

With fury you placed one of your hands on your face and angrily you grabbed a few strands of your hair while tears ran from your eyes.

A betrayal. A stab in the back and nothing else!

"I'm so Dumb! "You cursed yourself as you walked into your living room.

You dried your tears and decided to forget that awful day, and for that, all means were good.

You opened a cupboard and took out several bottles of alcohol in varying degrees and then prepared the most violent mixture you could invent. You added a few ice cubes and started to drink it as if it were water. Of course it tasted awful, but you didn't care. You started again with it, changing the doses and not putting any ice cubes in it this time, and you started again and again, until you couldn't get up anymore. You couldn't even see the bottles properly anymore.

You pushed a little moan of pain because your head was hurting like hell.

Yeah, you pushed a little too hard, but you got what you wanted. You let your body crawl into your couch with fatigue and closed your eyes.

You really were pathetic.

Your glass crashed to the floor because you didn't have enough energy to hold it in your hands, however you didn't give a shit about it. You lay down completely and took a cushion to hold it close to you as a way to comfort yourself.

Gradually you felt yourself floating in an unknown place. You couldn't move or open your eyes, strangely enough you didn't care the least bit. You just wanted to sleep and nothing else.

Unfortunately a deafening ringing suddenly sounded in your eardrums and you felt yourself falling into the void. Your body slammed hard against the floor of your living room and the pain forced you to open your eyes in panic.

"Ugh... Whoever you are...Fuck you..." you cursed the asshole who dared to call you in the middle of the night.

You crawled pathetically on the couch trying to overcome that horrible nausea that was attacking your stomach, then you grabbed your phone.


[What?] You asked in a bad mood as a horrible headache began to appear.

[Little Boss? Sorry to bother you, it's just that you didn't show up this morning and Orso didn't see you at the bar.]

"This morning"?

You rubbed your eyes together while whining in pain, then you looked at your window and at your clock.

"You've got to be kidding me..." You grumbled to yourself that it was 3:00 in the afternoon. You felt like you had slept only a few minutes but in reality you had slept all night and all morning! Such a shame!

[Boss? Are you still there?] Asked Boris with a voice a little too powerful for your ears.

[Please don't shout Boris, this is not the right time..] You asked tiredly as you slumped down from your couch and put one hand on your forehead.

The wolf-dog fell silent for a moment and then asked softly.

[Have you been drinking?]

[What do you think Sherlock?...] You asked coldy.

[What happened? Alastor told me what you did when I asked him where you were, but I don't think you'd get drunk for it.]

You held a mocking laugh at the back of your throat. So Alastor didn't say anything about your little slip-up. It was a very good thing and you were very grateful to him for it.

Boris would certainly have made you deaf by the time you picked up the phone, and Nikolai would certainly have tried to kill Alastor.

[If you'd been in my shoes, Boris, I don't think you'd mind a huge glass of vodka mixed with all the booze in the world.] You fought back. [Changing the subject, how's Angel doing?]

You heard Boris grumbling on the other end of the phone. He wasn't exactly convinced by your explanation but in your condition, it was best to keep a low profile.

[He's much better. Don't worry about him.]

[Fine. I'm going to stop by the hotel, I need to ask Charlie something important. As for you, can you ask...] You yawned then continued [to Fos, Thénardier and Mirar to come to the hotel?].

[I would my little boss you can counting on me, but are you sure you want to work today? I mean, you don't seem-]

[I'm fine, Boris. Besides, I don't have time to rest, Vox told me our interview is in four days and I really need all the information I can get on him and Killjoy as soon as possible. Saddly, I'm not going to be able to rest now.]

[...] Boris sighed. [All right, well, I'll see you then.]

[Yeah, See you Later Boris.] You answered by hanging up.


As soon as you were sure that the call had been disconnected you placed your hands over your eyes and let out a little angry shout. You hated it when a day started out this way. You had so much to do and so little time.

You got up slowly and went to your room to take a casual outfit. You weren't going to work at the hotel, you just had to ask Charlie for a few things, talk to Mirar, Thénarier, and Fos, and then finally set things straight with Alastor.

Yes, you had to talk to him, that disgusting thing that happened between you was nothing but a... a "stupid impulse". You also wondered if it had something to do with the fact that you were a demon wolf. Indeed it was the beginning of the year and maybe it was playing a little bit on your hormones since it's the breeding season of wolves... Oh my god you already wanted to throw up at the thought of that. You were hoping your theory was wrong but at the same time you were kind of hoping it was true because it gave you a reason to have so stupidly kissed that deer.

You went to your bathroom and started taking off your dirty clothes. A little cold shower was going to clear your head. You took a deep breath to gather up all your courage and then you turned on the cold water. Needless to say, you were crying on the inside. Once your body got used to the cool temperature of the water you finally began to regain control of your thoughts. Little by little a schedule began to take shape in your head and you were delighted.

You turned off the water with a little smile and then opened the shower curtain ready to face the day! But suddenly, you falled face to face with a black silhouette. The thing stared at you for a moment with completely white eyes and a big friendly smile. Then without warning it handed you your towel.

. . .


You screamed in terror before you slipped and fell backwards in your bathtub. You tried to hold on to the curtain but all you managed to do was to pull it off, and get the bar which was holding it fall down right on your head.

You took painfully the curtain to cover yourself and you glanced up with stunned eyes at the thing that looked at you with a sheepish look, it had the same silhouette as you, it almost looked like ... your shadow?

"Who are you? "You asked.

The smile of the shadow widened as if she had found a friend, her mouth opened but no sound came out even if its mouth was moving.

"I can't understand a word of what you're saying. Now tell me who the fuck you are and what you're doing here or get out! " You growled angrily as your wolf tail unconsciously rose to intimidate the thing in front of you.

The shadow jumped with a panicked look and then started to think quickly, suddenly itsface lit up. To your surprise, the creature began to move its hands to talk to you.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you at all. I'm a part of you, your shadow to be more precise, nice to meet you"

Your eyes slowly widened and your mouth opened in utter amazement.

"But how? "you asked. "You've never spoken to me before."

The shadow lowered its eyes a little embarrassed and then answered you

"Well, I "came to life" yesterday." She said, "It was the shadow of the deer that woke me up, while um..."

"Don't you dare finish that sentence" you ordered by ripping the towel from its hands and getting out of the tub. "I don't want a talking, independent shadow in my life." You gave it a death stare. "I'll ask Alastor to sort this out."

The shadow's eyes glowed faintly, as if it had been hurt.

"Please don't look at me like that, you disgust me even more." You said darkly as you began to get dressed...

"But Y/N I-"

"Take your place on the wall and leave me alone. I don't need you."


The shadow step back in the face of your aggression and his ears collapsed on his head, testifying to its silent pain. She nodded her head and returned to her place on the wall making a small sound that could be similar to a sad sigh.

You, for your part, have checked that your shadow has returned to its original appearance, then in a bad mood, you took your clothes room and you violently placed them in your washing machine.

Really, that was all I needed. After going through a pornographic studio of horrors, kissing the fucking demon on the radio, you were left with a filthy shadowy freelance who had nothing to do with what you had become on your hands.

Why did Alastor do this to you? Was this his way of getting revenge? The poor little deer was shocked by your... "urge"? Oh yes, poor Alastor. Was he too precious for that kind of crap? You're the one who have been traumatized! You kissed him just like that! Just on a fucking whim! For no fucking reason! You never hated yourself that much, you had just stabbed BF/N in the back just on some ridiculous fucking impulse! You betrayed him for a guy you hated with all your heart and Alastor would have the nerve to be angry with you? What a joke! And the icing on the cake in that stupid prank was that your shadow looked like a naive woman! Too nice for this world! You weren't like that, oh no you weren't like that, it wasn't you, it wasn't you, it wasn't you at all. Really, it couldn't have been worse! It really couldn't!


You went to your kitchen to drink some water and to eat a little bit. Even though you weren't very hungry, it was much safer for you and those around you. You hadn't eaten for several hours, and a smell that was a bit too strong could at any time wake up your instincts and make you lose control at the end, and for now, create a disaster was the last thing you needed today. You went back to the bathroom to brush your teeth, and then you brushed your hair with fury, ignoring the hair you were tearing out from the violence of your blows. Once everything was ready you put all the things you need your bag and left for the hotel.

On the way, despite your irritation, you paid special attention to the street lamps and were surprised to see them sizzling as soon as you got close. So Vox was right, it was you who was the reason of the light's problems. You were so amazed that you ran into a demon.


"You can't watch where the fuck you're going, bitch-" The insect demon you had jostled suddenly cut himself when he noticed who you were. You twisted your neck at an inhuman angle with an unpleasant creak, approached him and almost immediately smelled the putrid smell of alcohol and drugs emanating from him. So nauseating...

"Say that again... "You defied.

The demon fell backwards before your very eyes and began to tremble.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! "He stuttered as he stepped back.

The other demons in the corner watched out of curiosity, others just shrugged their shoulders and went on their way. This kind of thing was common after all.

"Get the hell out of my way. I don't see you hanging around my territory, Am I clear?"


The demon nodded his head and got up completely terrified, he ran across the road to get away from you as fast as he could but unfortunately for him he couldn't get very far because a truck effortlessly mowed him down and smashed different parts of his body in an awful noise...

You would be lying if you had said that you were not surprised by his bad luck, yet you shrugged your shoulders and continued on your way with a cold face yet you kept visual contact with every electrical device you could see and almost every time, there was a reaction. It was as if your anger had taken the form of a wave scrambler or something like that.

Unfortunately you couldn't ask yourself any more questions because you immediately saw the Hazbin Hotel sign. You accelerated the pace and entered quickly into the building...


