Head Scribe Kondobia's Banquet.

A twin oil lamp flickered at the center of a large oak table. It cast a vague moon like shadow beneath it that danced deftly with the slight movements of the four occupants surrounding it as they drew intermittently from their beloved tobacco pipes in silence.

Supreme head scribe Ole Gatu broke the silence with a cool unstrained voice, his eyes still closed enjoying his tobacco pipe.

"So how fair our young brave initiates head scribe."

Head scribe Kondobia took a while to answer, blowing up a thin stream of dark blue smoke up towards the grass thatched roof above. He threw a quick glance around the huge table and smiled, enjoying the relaxed mood the official meeting was engulfed in.

He had summoned the head council to his official chambers as was the norm to give an account of his progress before handing over for the next phase of training as they would hereby discuss and determine.

Head Scribe Kondobia despite his tough exterior drew a lot of pride in being an exemplary host. He had personally overseen the preparations of the evening meal for his peers; a rare treat of smoked Rhine valley antelope meat served with roasted yams and spicy ox-tail soup.

After the delightful meal as the head scribes reclined blissfully, partaking in his surprise of the night - a box of premium freshly ground Lekuta tobacco that he had secretly requisitioned, he knew he had outdone himself this time round.

"The initiates are in great shape. They endure more, have more drive and are growing stronger physically and mentally each passing day."

"Save for a few minor knocks here and there. I have no reason not to suggest that they begin the next phase of training."

"That is indeed good news head scribe, we forever remain indebted by your zeal and devotion." the supreme head scribe commended sitting upright and holding his hands in one fluid motion.

He was always an enigma the way he changed tact seamlessly, from a relaxed lazy mood to authoritative and keen in seconds. The rest of the head scribes sensed the change too and adjusted themselves accordingly in quick succession.

"A few knocks here and there you said. That's to be expected I would think, nothing too serious I hope."

"It would be a shame if a few boys got left behind. You see, a young cub that gets left behind by its pride eventually grows afraid of even its own shadow."

The three head scribes nodded in agreement. They had long since gotten used to the supreme head scribes peculiar conversation patterns and knew better not to intrude on his lengthy monologues.

The raised wizened eyebrows in head scribe Kostilu's direction was his cue.

"Ahem.. You are quite right supreme scribe. I have indeed come across some a few injuries, all minor and successfully dealt with by my able team. All in good shape to carry on."

"Wonderful news old friend. I am glad you saw the urgency for the young lad to rejoin their peers."

"All seems well then. All seems well." Ole Gatu's gaze fell on the last head scribe directly opposite him.

"Head Scribe Terazzi , I must say that its all up to you and your stellar department. Do you think you can make warriors out of these young brave souls."

The short stern head scribe puffed out his chest at the challenge thrown his way.

"Without a single doubt supreme head scribe. I shall embark on preparations at once. These young men will be the pride of their generation."

This seemed to please the Ole Gatu immensely. After touching on a few more important matters, he closed his eyes once more secluding himself to his thoughts and his glowing tobacco pipe.

Sensing that official matters had concluded, the head scribes relaxed once more listening to the silence of the night and the soft crackling of the cherished grounded tobacco leaves as they puffed away.

"Any exciting prospects so far, or is it too early to tell." asked an upbeat Terazzi. He was really looking forward to begin his training exercises.

"They were all rough around the edges when we began, but there a few lads showing promise and grit. Over all I like where they are heading."

"I dare say they'll be more exciting than the previous generations lot."

Terazzi's face brightened, taking another drag of his pipe.

"What are you trying to say Kondobia, you think we might get a new kai warrior this time round. Its really been too long."

"Haha .. You may have jumped the broom too fast there Terazzi." Laughed the head scribe.

"There's a Lekuta lad with a lot of promise though, the chiefs son. He surprised me a few days ago at a duel. He's brave, calculating and the other initiates listen to him. A natural leader you could say."

"Haha.. The Kalibari blood runs true after all." laughed head scribe Terazzi rubbing his chin as he recalled a distant memory, long long ago when he called Lekuta his home.

"Hohoho... I also ran into a young fellow that surprised me too and I must say that its something rare." mused a cheerful Kostilu.

"Oh , do tell .." both head scribes turned to him with eager curious looks.

Head scribe Kostilu despite his quiet childish nature possessed a keen intuitive mind and unique foresight that both Kondobia and Terazzi deeply respected.

Although they were both extremely devoted and determined in leading their respective divisions, deep down they knew Head scribe Kostilu was the natural successor to Supreme Scribe Ole Gatu.

"He is a Mariani lad. I met him during my night time strolls. Quite an inquisitive fellow, with a sharp mind and a heart that yearns deeply for a higher purpose."

"Sounds like you two already have your favourites." chuckled head scribe Terazzi.

And as the night wore on, the head scribes continued to engage in lively discussions regarding the current batch of initiates and whether a new kai warrior would emerge at the end of this rite of passage.

Listening in silence supreme head scribe Ole Gatu could not help but be amused.

He however could not shake away this vague ominous feeling that had gnawed at his heart ever since the initiates had first stepped into his holy shrine.

He had felt a surge in the spirit world, a surge unlike any other he had ever felt in all his years as head of Shitu Shrine.
