After a heavy and delicious lunch of Savannah rabbit broth and millet bread the excited initiates finally found themselves in Head scribe Terazzi's weapons yard.
The head scribe himself was a hard man to find and whenever one happened to chance upon him, he was always in a hurry fleeting past with his gray warriors cloak blowing around him .
The young warriors were instructed to line up in front of the head scribes hut. Head scribe Terazzi finally stepped out, the ubiquitous cloak finally cast aside. He stood in front of them in all his glory and stature.
His short , lithe , heavily muscled body was held in awe by the initiates. Now this was a warrior in his prime. Lethal, like a hungry leopard ready to pounce and viciously devour at any moment.
"Deputy Kiarie, bring out a set of warriors weapons." He bellowed out in a deep heavy voice that inspired fear and respect in the hearts of the initiates.
A gleaming set of weapons were placed before him. The steel gleamed in the bright afternoon sun sparking excitement through out the initiates ranks.
"These are the weapons a warrior wields. The mighty spear, the sword and shield, the bow and arrow and of course the warriors cloak."
"These are a warrior's source of pride and they shall be a part of him henceforth until the end."
"But before you dirty my steel with your inexperienced sloppy hands you need to show me what you've got.!"
"Bring out the wooden spears."
Long sturdy wooden spears were delivered and placed in front of every initiate as the head scribe looked on with spirited, keen eyes.
"Now we shall begin to learn of the spear, the most majestic of weapons a warrior shall ever have the privilege of handling."
He picked up one wooden spear and proceeded to demonstrate.
"The spear is an overbearing weapon in nature. With its length, reach and with sufficient skill there is no opponent whether man or beast that can withstand its might in all of Sereti."
"Spear play is divided into the lunge, the feint & parry with the body's weight firmly on ones two feet to allow for advance and retreat."
He displayed all the three basic moves expertly as quick as a striking cobra.
"The key aim is to overwhelm your opponent with a series of moves to allow you to find an opening to strike a vital spot to either disarm or deal a fatal blow."
"All week I want you to perfect these basic moves. Deputies oversee proceedings."
"Immediately pair up. Begin.!" His deep voice dictated the terms and he turned back and stepped into his chambers without a minute to spare. He was man of few words indeed.
The deputies took over and paired up the eager lads who began in earnest, taking turns to attack and defend as they got used to the weight of the heavy sturdy wooden spears.
And thus the days went by like this. Early morning vigorous body training by Kondobia's deputies, mid mornings under head scribe Kostilu's wise tutelage and afternoons practising the spear.
At the end of the week Head scribe Terazzi once again emerged looking stern and observed from a far as the initiates worked up a sweat attacking and defending in fluid movements.
"Hmmph.. Barely passable." he grunted.
"Alright! Circle up. Let's see what pitiful skills you have gained so far."
A clean circle was formed and Terazzi walked inside it eyeing up the initiates as they stood tall with their wooden spears held tightly.
"You." He pointed at a huge Lekuta brute with bulging muscles. He then circled the initiates once more and his eyes fell on Johari Tembo whose eyes seemed lost and not keen in the slightest.
"You. Get in there. I want to see a proper duel. The goal is to disarm your opponent. Begin."
Johari who was in truth day dreaming came to his senses in dismay.
"Pesky old codger..! Could you be partially blind, can't you see the eager faces fawning to get chosen and get into your good books." he lamented deeply in his mind.
The hearts of the Lekuta initiates jumped with glee. They had not forgotten Johari's outburst towards their chiefs son Moseti. Fate was truly full circle. They winked at Baizu, Johari's huge opponent with sinister smiles.
"Beat him up into a pulp."
"Wipe the floor with his loud mouth."
To them retribution had finally come upon the tall outspoken Mariani initiate. Johari of course heard all the taunts and jibes and he sighed again.
"Uhh what a bothersome bunch. So much for laying low. I might as well give it my utmost. Let's see how good I've become."
The two warriors circled each other, sizing each up. Baizu looked Moseti's way and the brief eye contact was enough to tell him what the royal chiefs son expected of him.
"Teach him a lesson he'll never forget. "
"Begin!" Terazzi's voice boomed.