The Afterlife

My eyes darted around the room, stalling, trying to make sense of it all. Dr. Z. didn't have his wheel chair, his legs were healthy and strong. He appeared young and vibrant, like he'd been transformed.

“If you’re here, that means you’re dead.”

“William, I’ve been dead for a very long time.” He said.

“Who are you?”

“I’m known to the world as the Disciple whom Jesus loved. We’ve been working, bringing light to lost souls for hundreds of years. My name is John. John Zebedee. James is my brother."

“You’re John the apostle.” Monika said. I couldn't believe what was unfolding. “Your brother is James, the sons of Zebedee. Part of the inner circle of Christ. One of only three human witnesses to the miracle of the Transfiguration." John nodded his head.

Monika and I exchanged glances. “It can’t be,” I said. “How were you on earth? You were my doctor.”