
Judas stood up, not a large man, smallish in stature, wiry. Neither Adam or I said a word. “You people are idiots. Yes, there's a God ... who gives a rat’s ass. He's a deadbeat, just an absentee father.” Anger seared and oozed from Judas' spirit. "You can go to church, read your bible, say your prayers ... doesn't make one bit of difference. God ain't listening and if he is, he ain't caring." I could see Judas in that moment, he was labeled the ultimate betrayer by historical accounts, but in his mind, he was the betrayed ... forsaken by God.

“I’ve never said this or told it to anyone. When I was a kid I was scared to go to church, but not for the reasons you might think.” My mind went off on a tangent, attempting to divert the anger in the room.