Breaking and entering, another crime Robby could add to his growing list of poor life choices. He scoured the home for blankets, and if lucky, a bed. The old worn couch wouldn’t do unless he wanted a metal spring jabbing his back all night. Robby walked up the stairs, figuring to find bedrooms at the top. Three large doors lined the upper-level hallway, each leading to a bedroom, a small bathroom sat at the end. The first door was cracked ajar. The door creaked and unnerved Robby’s core as it nudged open, reminding him of the Crypt Keeper popping from his coffin. Robby hated what he’d become, a thief in the night. Life had spiraled into chaos and gone completely off the rails. He wondered what he did to deserve this fate. Was he a bad person? Was he evil? Robby felt emotion swell up from inside, pushing tears into his eyes as the question that always burned brightest forced its way into his mind … Why did dad have to die?