Day Two

The sun started its ascent above the foothills when Nancy pulled her BMW into the West River Point access. The area was quiet. The weekend warriors and tourists had all cleared out. Luke loved Monday’s, the one day of the week where Millersville felt somewhat normal. The previous day's exhaustion made for a deep and restful sleep. Determination energized Luke as his mother cut the engine and he stepped out into the light.

Detective Cardinal’s Land Rover was the only other vehicle parked. Luke reached down to tie an unraveled shoelace while his mother checked her phone for messages.

“My apologies.” Detective Cardinal emerged from behind the trees a minute later. Too much morning coffee, didn’t sleep well last night.” Luke gave a nod. Nancy pretended to be oblivious.

“Hey Detective Cardinal.” Luke said.

“Were you able to get any sleep last night, Luke?” Cardinal asked.