“Think twice, before doing that.”
“I figured you'd show, once the dirty work had been done.” I turned to see John standing in the boiler room doorway.
“If you go in there, I cannot help you.”
“But that's what you want, right John? You want me to go in there of my own free will, so you can be off the hook when the Revelation gets pinned on me.”
“You're spirit is off balance, William. I can see it in your aura.”
“The phantom said you had secrets. You're hiding something from me. You knew about this, didn't you? The mission to save Judas was doomed from the beginning. I was never going to pull him out. You knew the whole time I’d be chasing a white rabbit, you knew I'd fail, fall like Judas. It's true. You'd stop at nothing to fulfill your prophecy. That's why you recruited me. That's why you came to this school, pretending to be a guidance counselor. You needed a sap to pin it on. Someone to trigger your Revelation."
"You're not seeing the big picture, William."