I ran to the only place and person I can trust after Henry, Fred of course.
I quickly knock before walking in and shutting the door behind me.
"Hey Fred." I greeted. He was seating on his desk chair scrolling through his computer.
"Why this sudden precipitation?" He looked at me suspiciously.
"Uh.. I want you to uh.. Sign something." I said as I approach his desk.
"This." I gave him the detention slip and quickly look away.
"What did you do?" He rubbed his left temple.
"I got into a fight with another kid." I blurted out.
He sigh, "how many billion times will I tell you that you're fist can't solve everything and violence is breaking the rules?"
"Am sorry, I wasn't thinking, but please don't send me to father!"
"I won't, he is not in the best of mood, I don't want him to hurt you unintentionally." He spoke with a slight tinge of sadness in his voice as he sign the slip.