Perfect day


The music was blasting, everyone was dancing and showing off, except Melinda, she hugged herself nervously looking around, her hand flew to her ear every now and then.

I walk to her pulling her close and we went to the backyard.

"Babe what's wrong?"

"I think it was a bad idea coming here." She bit her lip.

I know Melinda is not a party person she is the beautiful, smart and innocent type.

"Come on, I promise you'll have fun I'll teach you how to dance break dance." I proposed.

"Uh..." She cover her face with both hands. "What if I can't and the others make fun of me?" She said nervously.

"Come on am sure you can do it." I smiled while brushing some of her hair locks off her face.

"Do you think?" She chew on her index finger.

"Yeah." I peek her on the lip.

"Fine," she sigh.

My phone buzzed, I pulled it out. "Ugh!" I groan.

"What?" She cock her head to the left.

"Is Christopher." I rolled my eyes as I typed to jack.